MB. 22.

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As I walked back to my car, my head down I was fuming with myself. Opening the door I shook my head to myself as I got into the front seat. I needed to do something, anything, needed to find those vans, find Reece, if he was still alive and I had a chance at saving him I needed to take it. 

"Blair!" I heard my name being shouted, I panicked as I looked in the mirror at myself quickly and then around to see Ben who was walking towards my car. "What are you doing here?"

I opened my mouth, a little frazzled, unsure of words. I shrugged, "I don't know. I was just passing through. I was going to pop in and see you but I got a text from my friend."

"Oh," he looked a little disappointed. As I looked at him he looked a little red, a little worn out. 

"Are you okay?" I asked him as I stepped out of the car and towards him, going in and hugging him. 

He leaned his head on my shoulder as we embraced, "I've just had a long day." He spoke as he let out a long breath. "Do you want to get away? Go home, relax?"

"Like I said," I said quietly regretting my words already "I have to see my friend."

Ben looked at me awkwardly as our hug came to an end. "You going to come by afterwards?"

I nodded at him as I smiled, "Of course I will." I leaned close and tiptoed up and kissed him on the lips. "I miss you already," I told him before I got back into my car. "I won't be long."

His eyes watched me as he nodded, "Can't wait to see you." He told me before he closed the door for me. 

Not daring to look at him I drove off, I knew if I looked at him again I would abandon the mission and go back to his place and not even think twice about it. My hands gripped the steering wheel so tightly that my knuckles were turning white, none of this was Ben's fault, he had been a good man to me and I had taken advantage. 

Driving around I was surprised to see the van reappear on the road, driving out of the town and onto the main motorway. Pulling my mobile from my pocket I rang through to Romeo, the loudspeaker blared through my car as it hooked up through the Bluetooth, yet he didn't answer, he didn't pick up. 

I started to panic as the van sped up, my car following suite, my fingers tapping impatiently on my car dashboard as I redialled through the Bluetooth trying to get hold of Romeo. The second call and he still didn't answer, I hoped he had a good excuse for not answering when I needed him. 

Taking another risk I decided to call Reece, on the off chance they thought he was just an innocent bystander, just an innocent caught up in the onslaught. It rang several times before a voice answered, "Hello?"

"Babe," I said trying to divert away from any kind of DeMarco related business. "Is that you?"

"Sorry," the voice spoke, I knew it wasn't Reece from the thick accent. "Your boyfriend is currently busy."

"Can I speak to him please?" I asked trying to keep my voice a little calm. 

"Like I said sugar, he's busy."

I rolled my eyes as I swerved over into the next lane, "I need to talk to him." My voice seemed to roar like a normal girlfriend's might when his mate is playing a trick. "I need him, I'm going to the hospital, my waters have broken."

Tears stung at my eyes as I lied, a lie I shouldn't have told yet I didn't know what else to say. 

"Belinda?" I heard Reece's voice as if he was on the loudspeaker. 

"Baby," I whined proving to be a good actress. "I need you here now. I'm going into labour."

Silence for a second, "Look I will have to see you there okay? I don't think I am going to make it."

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