MB. 21.

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A/N: Hello there, just to let you all see this little beauty. This is Romeo, yes, strange, I decided Zac Efron would make a good Romeo.

 This is Romeo, yes, strange, I decided Zac Efron would make a good Romeo

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It was finally the evening of the gun exchange, I was ready to go, we were travelling in two separate cars, myself with Reece and the brothers together, JP and Ethan, in their own car. 

Reece was driving, our plan was to head to the man doing the exchange, I was going to be working alongside him seeing who the people were we were dealing with. I would be able to hopefully identify the man who had been elusive. 

"I have a bad feeling about this," I told Reece as we sat in the car, we were going to meet the man in a few minutes. "I don't want to be there."

"Stop being a worrier," Reece told me as he checked his mobile.

I put my hand over his phone to stop him looking at it. "I don't want to be there," I told him. "Please."

Reece rolled his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"I just can't explain it," there was a horrible feeling. My gut was pounding, cramping, telling me something wasn't quite right. "It just doesn't feel right."

His hand patted me on the shoulder before he groaned. "I guess I can take your place. I don't really scream glamorous assistant though do I?"

"Stop being so sexist," I shook my head. "Is this the only reason Romeo sent me on this mission? To be the girl who looks pretty whilst the guns are handed out." A laugh escaped my lips, "Don't you think a man would look better there? Surely if you were the gentleman selling the guns, you would want a strong man by your side?"

"I know what you can do," Reece raised his eyebrows with a smirk. "I would rather have you by my side if there was going to be any problems."

I smiled at Reece if only he knew that I was a massive wuss that would only save her own life if it came to it. I did not want Reece to become another Trey but I knew I had more to think about than just myself. I needed to return home to Ben tonight, I wanted to see him, every day that I left him I wanted to return home to him, I never wanted to leave, it torn me apart never knowing if I would actually arrive back in his arms.

"You better go," I advised Reece as I handed him the pen I had been given by Romeo before I left, it was a gun disguised as a pen, a working pen just in case it was checked. "Don't fuck this up."

He looked at me, his eyebrows raised before he took the pen and left the car. Locking the doors after he left, I knew I was alone now. 

In my gut I had a bad feeling, something didn't feel right tonight. If this wasn't happening tonight I would have definitely gone home by now. I hoped that I was wrong, but gut feeling was usually right. 

Sitting in the car I waited and after an hour a couple of vans pulled up close to the door of the warehouse, I watched as the doors to the vans opened and out got a few people, about six people, including the figure in the hooded cloak. 

Reaching for my mobile I began to snap pictures, not that there was much to see, only the back of people's heads and the vans that they had arrived in. I groaned to myself as I looked over, the brothers were in their car which was positioned a lot closer than mine, hopefully, they could see more than me because at the moment my view was a little obscured.

As all the people headed inside I sent a text over to JP asking if he could see anything. He replied with a yes. I assumed he could see all the action happening inside the warehouse. 

Even as I sat in the car my stomach continued to churn, something was still not right at the moment and I just couldn't put my finger on it. As I sat there watching the clock tick by and nothing happening in front of my eyes I started to get bored. My eyes flicked between the warehouse and the car that JP and Ethan were in, there seemed to be nothing to report, nothing to see. 

Looking down at my phone I started to send a message to Ben, just a message to tell him I was thinking of him. As I pressed the send button my attention was diverted by the sound of gunshots. Looking up and towards the warehouse, I couldn't see a thing. I stayed in the car, not knowing if anyone else was around watching me. Looking to the brother's car, JP and Ethan had made it out of the car, obviously heading into the action. 

Pulling a pair of binoculars from the glove box, I still couldn't see anything even through them. I knew I had to do something, but everything stopped in me my tracks when I saw the men coming back around the vans, as I watched I saw JP and Ethan following them. JP raised a gun, shooting at one of the blokes. The hooded bloke held out his hand and I gasped as JP just left the ground, his feet leaving the ground, his hands going around his throat as if trying to help himself breathe. Ethan couldn't help as he was tackled to the ground by three guys. 

JP was helpless as he floated in the air before the hooded person slammed his hand down towards the ground, JP followed suit, his body slamming down on the ground face down. 

My hand flew to my mouth as I sat there weakly, just watching. It was the Trey situation all over again, I was just so scared, scared that I would be next. My eyes were glued to the scene unfolding in front of me, I could barely move, let alone breathe as the hooded man lit up his red crossed sword looking thing. He reined it down on to the barely moving JP before turning his attention to Ethan. 

I watched as the red thing sliced into Ethan, from his shoulder downwards, as I watched his body fell into two pieces. My eyes widened as I let out a breath, I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed, I had to do something, anything, how would I ever explain this to Romeo? 

The men loaded the two bodies into the back of the vans before also loading up all the guns that he been to look at before I saw Reece, he was being dragged along with them. He was thrown into the back of the van before the men all got in and started to pull away. 

Maybe this was it, maybe this was my chance to find something out worth knowing. I followed a good pace behind, a good distance away from them. My phone pinged as I drove, I ignored it, as I continued to drive behind the vans, at least seven cars between us at all times. 

As I followed I noticed we were heading closer and closer to town, I watched as the vans pulled up outside of Ben's restaurant. I panicked as I pulled down an alley, before getting out the vehicle. I ruffled up my hair and hid my gun in my waistband pulling my jacket over the top before walking around to the front of the restaurant, the vans had gone. I panicked knowing this was not how it was supposed to be, why didn't I just wait?

I rubbed my temples as I looked through the restaurant windows, nothing of any interest to see in there. I had lost Reece, JP and Ethan were dead and I hadn't done much in the way to help. I had given up the chase too early. 

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