MB. 20.

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Spending my time with Ben was the most beautiful thing ever. Heading out for a spot of dinner was lush, we headed out of town and to a cute little restaurant. After we ate we ended up in a little pub out of town where I knew no one, where people hopefully wouldn't recognise me. 

I had made a lot of enemies over time and I did not want any problems whilst out, I mostly forgot about people until I started to think about my life, especially when I spent time with Ben. 

We ordered some drinks and took our seats at a little table in the corner, out of the way, alone. 

"Where do you think you'll end up in a few years?" Ben asked me randomly as we sat opposite each other.

I laughed, "What do you mean?" I raised an eyebrow, "Like where will I be living, working?"

"Like where want do you want to have happened with your life by then?" 

"Oh," I thought for a second before smiling at him. "Hopefully, maybe you'll still be in my life." I blushed a little, "Is that what you want?"

He nodded, "Of course." He took my hand, "Why would you think any differently?"

"Sorry," I shrugged it off. "I just, you know how I am." How was I? Actually, I was constantly worried that Ben would find out about my double life, that he would turn me in, worse, he would leave me. I just couldn't imagine myself without him. 

"You," he spoke as he laced his fingers through mine, "You mean everything to me. I can't imagine being with you."

I smiled to myself, "I feel exactly the same." 

I sipped my drink as he spoke "I have an idea. Why don't we, get away?"

"Get away?" 

"Like a holiday," he said with a grin. "Just get away, go abroad, somewhere hot."

Nodding I couldn't help but smile, "Sounds amazing." I gave his hand a little squeeze. "When?"

"Whenever you want," he gave me a wink. 

I couldn't believe this, this time last year I was a single girl who spent her life devoted to Romeo, a life devoted to the DeMarco family, now here I sat with Ben, the love of my life. He was someone I felt like I could spend the rest of my life with, someone who I could marry, be happy with. I wanted nothing more than to just spend every moment with him, he made me so happy. I didn't want to be without him, just to live with him and be there with him was enough.

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The morning came around too quickly, I was woken when Ben got out of the bed, "Oh I didn't mean to wake you." He spoke quietly as he kneeled back on the bed before kissing me on the lips. 

"Don't worry," I smiled as he stood back up and started to look through his wardrobe. Sitting up, I pulled the bedding along holding it over my body. "What are you doing today?"

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