MB. 42.

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My hands shook behind my back as his mask looked at me, it was like the first time I had seen him all over again. My whole body shook with fear. Looking away from him I saw someone in the middle of the room, it was like it was happening all over again. In the middle of the room though was Ben. 

"This is the one, the one we have been waiting for." The man in the mask said to me as he watched my expression change when I looked at Ben. "This is the one that will truly break her."

"It wasn't like I didn't know all along Blair," I looked up to the owner of the voice. Trembling I saw Romeo, standing alongside the man in the mask. "You never saved me, you never truly loved me or wanted to protect me. Is this the man you would do anything for?"

My eyes looked from Romeo to Ben who was in his position on the floor. 

"Here," the masked man handed me a gun, I was suddenly standing next to them looking down on Ben who was sitting on the floor, his hands behind his back, his face not looking up at mine. 

I looked at the gun, in my hand was the gun Trey had given me. 

"Do it," Romeo said as he stood behind me, his hands on my arms snaking up to my hands, putting them forward in front of me. "You know he's bad news."

My eyes looked at Ben, this time he looked up at me. "You killed our baby, you brought that on yourself."

I started to scream, I didn't want to hear those words, those words scared me. I didn't mean to do it. 

"I didn't!" I screamed. "I didn't!" I screamed loudly. "Stop!" I fell down, my hands covering my ears as I tried to block our him repeating the same statement over and over. "Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!"

"Blair!" I was abruptly woken from my dream by a voice, by someone bringing me back around to my reality. 

Opening my eyes I saw Mac was sitting over me, she looked concerned. 

"Are you okay?" She asked me as she moved away from me as I sat up. I wasn't in my own bed, I didn't even know where I was right now. "You were screaming."

"Yeah," I spoke unsurely as I remembered my dream. I say dream loosely, more like a nightmare. "I'm okay."

She stood up and smiled at me, "If you want to talk, I am here for you."

I opened my mouth to speak but I closed it again and smiled at her. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to say. As much as I would like to talk about things and confide in her I didn't want to bring her into my mess. 

One day I would be over it all, for now, it was my problem to deal with, alone. 

"What happened last night?" I asked her as I looked at my hands seeing they were clear, I wasn't holding the gun I so vividly saw in my dream. 

Mac sighed, "So you have a little too much to drink. It's okay, we managed to get you home."

"We?" I questioned as I touched my head, it was starting to pound, the same feeling you got when you had a hangover. "How much did I drink?" 

She laughed, "All I am going to say is you know how to have a good time." 

I didn't know what she meant, I couldn't remember drinking that much. I couldn't remember that much actually. I remembered the bright lights of the car that nearly hit me, I didn't know who was driving the car though, it was probably a no one. 

"Did we get a taxi home?" I asked Mac as I laid back down and looked up at the ceiling. 

"Of course we did," she told me. "When we got here Parker helped me get you in the spare room. I didn't want to send you home in your state."

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