MB. 41.

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A few weeks had passed, I swear I had seen Ben almost every time I left the house. I swear he was following me, although if you asked him he'd probably say I was following him. Today after a week of no crutches I was finally going to enjoy my time leaving my home properly and just pretending to be normal, even if just for a while.

Getting a few things together in a bag I headed out. I took myself and my bag down to the beach, I set up a towel on the beach before placing my sunglasses over my eyes and getting settled for the day. I was wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top, but underneath I had on a black bikini set, just in case I wanted to expose more skin, get a better tank. 

I kicked off my shoes and let the sand play in-between my toes as I wiggled them in the sand. I pulled my phone from my bag and checked it, not that I had many peoples numbers. My phone list was my mother, Leia and Mac. 

I had spoken to Mac once, but after a brief conversation about how sad Ben was, I decided not to call her again. I didn't want to know how sad he was, I didn't want to care and knowing made me care more. She had tried to call me since then, but I didn't answer, I couldn't face hearing anymore.

If I didn't know I could try to move on with my own life. I hoped. 

For some reason I had a strange feeling I was being watched, looking around I didn't see anyone of any worry to me, or anyone I particularly recognised. I looked back down at my phone before I put it away. There was nothing of any interest on there. I closed my eyes but I just couldn't shake the uneasy feeling I had right now. 

Reopening my eyes I nearly let out a scream when I saw someone sitting next to me. I looked at them, getting a proper look before I realised who it was. "Mac!" I said as I sat up. "You gave me a fucking heart attack."

She laughed at me, "So have you been avoiding me?" She asked as waved her phone around in front of my face. 

"How did you know where to find me?" I asked her as I looked around. She seemed to be alone, from what I could see. 

"I didn't." She admitted. "But Kylo told me you lived here now. I figured it would be just a matter of time before I saw you down on the beach again."

"Wait," I smiled, "Do you live here too?"

She nodded, "How do you think I know him?" She laughed. "His parents used to live here too, I'm not sure if his mother still does."

"No wonder he came here," I said as I looked away from her. 

"But what about you?" She asked me, "Why have you moved here? If you have moved here for a guy then you are pretty lame."

I shook my head allowing myself to laugh, "Actually I decided to move here. I really like it here, I didn't know that Ben had moved here too."

She eyed me up before she smiled, "Alright then." She looked over at the sea that had gone far out. "Have you spoke to him lately?"

"Can't say that I have," I admitted as I shrugged my shoulders not that she could see me doing it. "Look, Mac," I got her attention, she looked at me and smiled as she waited for me to speak again. "You are a lovely girl but I just don't think it's best we are friends. Myself and Ben, we aren't going to be getting back." As much as it pained me to say it I didn't want to hold on to some kind of hope through Mac. 

"I want to be friends with you," she told me as she put an arm around me and squeezed my shoulder before taking her hand back. "Don't worry about him, I have other friends away from mine and his friendship. This is no different."

"I just don't want no trouble," I admitted as I looked down. Trouble had followed me around, now all I wanted more than anything was to just get on with my life, to be average. 

Mafia Baby (Kylo Ren AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin