MB. 49.

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To say we had a lot of catching up to do would be an understatement, instead of talking though, after we had both headed home and freshened up, we ended up together in his bed. It was the middle of the day we were in his bed, I didn't expect us to have moved so quickly but here we were. To say I had missed him was just the tip of the iceberg, every time he looked at me I felt something, like a pang on the inside. 

As we laid next to each other, just the sheet covering us I turned and looked at him as he did me. 

I laid with my hands under the pillow I rested my head on and laid with a hand under his pillow and using his left hand he touched the right side of my face. "I wish I hadn't wasted so much time hating you," he told me as he stroked my cheek under my eye, trying his best to avoid the bruising that was on my face. 

"We are here now though," I said not knowing what the correct response was for such words. 

Every time he touched me I felt like a giddy school girl, he made me feel things I didn't even know were possible. 

"I want you to talk to me Blair, I want you to feel like you can tell me anything." His words so sincere as he spoke them, his eyes burning into mine. 

Pulling my right hand from under the pillow and reached up and held Ben's hand, removing it away from my face and holding it between the two of us. His fingers wrapped around my hand as he looked at my face. 

"What do you want to know?" I asked him almost scared of what he would want to know. I knew whatever I told him needed to be the truth if I told the truth I would hopefully have half a chance of keeping him around. 

I felt his hand squeeze my hand before he spoke, "I want you to tell me what actually happened to your face, you also have some bruising on your body." He had been observant during our time in the bedroom. 

"Are you sure you want to know?" I asked him, as I waited for his reply I bit my lip. I didn't want to tell him about Mac and my suspicions. 

He nodded, just as I was about to speak we heard the doorbell ring. 

My eyes widened as I looked at him, he shook it off. "Ignore it, they will go away." He told me. 

Easier said than done, whoever was at the door was adamant on seeing Ben. They started to knock and then the doorbell started to ring again. 

Ben closed his eyes before he turned over and got off the bed pulling a pair of trousers on before he turned back to me. "I'll be two minutes." He told me before he left the room and headed to the person who had started to bang on the door. 

I laid there turning and laying on my back as I looked up at the ceiling. My mind drifted to different things, thinking about the party last night, I really did have fun and I hoped I would see the person I had met there. I really needed to thank Leia, she unwittingly brought me and Ben back together, that was something I could never repay her for. 

Turning over I picked up my bag from the floor, I opened my bag and checked my mobile that was in it. There was a message from Leia thanking me for coming and that she would see me in a couple of days. I replied with a smiley face and thanked her for letting me come by. 

I heard someone clear their throat, turning back I saw Ben in the doorway, he was pulling on a shirt buttoning it up. 

"Have you got to go?" I asked her as I sat up clutching the shirt to my body. 

He nodded as he buttoned his white shirt, "Sorry."

"I better go then," I said awkwardly as I started to get out of the bed. 

Mafia Baby (Kylo Ren AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz