MB. 13.

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Falling asleep in my bed at the building it felt strange. My sleep was broken by the alarm sounding throughout the building. I bolted upright in my bed as I shook the sleep away. The alarm was loud, like a car alarm, this was not the fire alarm, this was the intruder alarm. I scurried out of the bed and locked my bedroom door before looking out the peephole on the door. The corridor was clear, no one was down here at the moment. 

Going to my drawer in the darkness I pulled out a balaclava and yanked it over my head taking my ponytail out flattening the back of the wool. I slipped into the black clothing that hung on the wall ready for a situation like this, a pair of black jeans and a black hoody, baggy on me to cover the obvious boobs that I had.  I decided on no shoes, it was better not to have shoes on if you wanted to be silent. I pulled on my black leather gloves before grabbing my gun from the nightstand. I crept back to the door and looked out the peephole. 

Outside in the corridor, I could see men I didn't recognise. I watched wide-eyed as they tried the doors. I kept watching as a face came close to my door, I could see all his features, the brown hair, the brown facial hair that was a beard and a small tash. His eyes were the same shade of brown as his hair as he looked at the peephole, his eyes unknowingly looking at me for a second before he tried the locked door. 

I held my breath as he walked away, I bit my lip as I watched him walk away from the door. I was so scared right now. Now I had something else to live for, someone to go home to. 

As I watched I saw the red glow of the cross blade thing come into view. My eyes widened as the cloaked figure seemed to be covered head to toe in black, as they walked closer I saw a mask covering the face. It was creepy, a black mask that seemed to have silver lines outlining where the eyes were although no features could be seen. 

My hands shook as I leaned against the door, this was not how I wanted to end my time. Suddenly I heard a shot, behind the figure was Trey, he had tried to take a shot. 

I had to help him, didn't I? 

I found I was rooted in place as the red cross blade just seemed to disappear as the figure turned around facing Trey. Then I heard another shot, I just watched as Trey fell to the ground. 

My hand slipped down to the key in my door, I couldn't bring myself to turn it. Then all the other men left around Trey, the cloaked figure shot Trey another time before dropping the gun and leaving too. 

As soon as the coast seemed to be clear I unlocked the door and ran to Trey. He looked at me as I put pressure on the gun wounds, one wound in his stomach, the second on the inside of his leg. 

"Hey," I told him, "You keep looking at me."

His eyes kept on me, "Blair." He spoke my hand. "Are you hurt?"

I shook my head as I tried to apply pressure but the blood was slipping out fast between my fingers. He reached for my balaclava pulling it up, touching my face with his bloody fingers. "Keep Romeo safe yeah?"

"Don't be silly," I told him knowing I was lying. "You are going to be the one keeping him safe."

He smiled at me, "Be happy Blair, don't let this take over your life." His hand slipped from my face as he expelled his last breath. 

I leaned close to his body, crying as I held him tight. The alarm was still loud in my ears but right now all that mattered was this moment, he was gone. Trey had been murdered. 

My tears fell as I pulled the balaclava back over my face, I closed Trey's eyes before I got to my feet, heading down the stairs. Once at the bottom I could see Michael and Mark who were waiting. 

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