MB. 19.

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If I had to listen to another person gush about how cute Romeo and Amaya looked together I was going to throw up, or punch someone in the face. It would have been maybe okay if it was just that that people were saying, instead I also got sad looks, like I was the wronged woman. I knew me and Romeo used to be close, but we had never done anything. 

Everyone's attention was brought to the front of the room by someone chinking on a glass. I looked up from my drink, my eighth drink, to see it was Amaya who was making the noise. As soon as everyone fell silent she started to speak. "I would just like to say, since I haven't had much of a chance, thank you for welcoming me into the family. I hope we can all get along since I am now permanent in Romeo's life."

People seemed to be listening, smiling, then clapping just before she raised her glass in the air, "So I would like you all to raise a glass," she picked up her glass, followed by the rest of the room. "To Romeo DeMarco."

Everyone, except myself, toasted. All I could think about was Trey, how this was not his plan, was it? If it was, why did it happen? I was one hundred percent sure he didn't want this, Amaya was a secret for a reason. The reason wasn't to come around and get engaged to Romeo once he had gone. 

I knew that murder was definitely on the cards when I caught up with the man that killed Trey, he took away his life, the most precious thing. He never got to meet his daughter, never got to be with Amaya and be happy, instead, this happened. I never wanted that to happen to me, I wanted to live my life, be happy and have everything that Trey could never have. 

"Can you take me home now?" I slurred my words to Reece as I looked at him. 

He rolled his eyes as he looked at me, "But it's just getting started here."

"You know what," I groaned loudly as I slammed my bag on the table, "I can just get someone else to just pick me up."

"Your mystery boyfriend?" Reece teased me. 

I pulled my phone from my bag lazily as I shook my head, "Give over Reece." I typed in the passcode on my phone, getting it wrong at least once, before finding the K in the phone book, my finger hovering over the call button. "Last chance," I looked up at Reece.

"Okay," Reece caved as he held his hands up. "I'll drop you back." 

"Thank you," I said as I locked my phone up and put it in my bag. "Can we please make a stop on the way?" I smiled triumphantly. 

"No fast food!" Reece told me as he put my coat around my shoulders allowing me to slip my arms through and button it up. "You know how I feel about fast food in my car."

I looked at him through narrowed eyes, "But I really would like a maccers." I pleaded as he put his own coat on, buttoning it up. "You know you love me, go on Reece."

Reece shook his head, "You are lucky that I am letting you into my car when you have had this much to drink." He put an arm around me helping me walk with him as we walked towards the doors.

"Hey! Blair! Reece!" Our names were being called, a voice I knew so well. I wanted to ignore him, yet Reece turned around almost letting me fall. 

My wobbling was stopped by an arm which steadied me, looking at the arms owner I couldn't help but scowl before trying to straighten myself up. "Ugh," I exclaimed yanking my arm back, "Get off."

Romeo took his hand off my arm before he rolled his eyes and looked at Reece. "Leaving so soon?"

"Sorry," Reece said with a small smile. "I think Blair needs to sleep off all the drinks."

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