MB. 34.

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A/N: I don't often write author's notes. Actually, think I have only ever written one on here. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that has voted on this, to everyone who has read this or left a comment. I am open to messages, comments, votes, anything really. Please leave me a comment if you would like to suggest anything, or send a message. I would really appreciate a vote if you liked this chapter. Thanks, guys!! :)

Opening my eyes with a start, I jolted upright into a sitting position. I had no idea what the hell was going on, what day it was, for a second I didn't even know where I was. I was drenched in sweat due to the horrible feeling I had in my gut. The top I was wearing was soaked through to my skin, my hair was wet with the sweat, I could feel it on my head. My hands pawed at my stomach due to the pain I felt there, lifting the top I was wearing to see stitching on my stomach. 

"What the fuck?" I asked myself looking at the stitching. I didn't expect it to be so obvious. It seemed to be so ugly too. I had not experienced this actual physical pain like this before, a pain that I could not manage. 

What had happened to me once I had been brought into this hospital? Who even brought me to the hospital? I was grateful that I was alive, grateful that I had been brought to the best place and received the appropriate attention I needed. 

My eyes were drawn to the door as a nurse walked in holding a clipboard. "Oh sweetie, please lay back down." She told me as she came closer to the bed, she fluffed up my pillow before I laid back down. "Just you stay here, I'm going to get you a doctor." I didn't even get a chance to ask her any questions. 

She left the room, leaving me on my own. I was worried about what was going to happen next. How did I keep getting myself into these stupid situations? 

Well lets be honest, it all started when I first met Romeo. I loved that boy dearly but he had brought me hell. Meeting Ben had changed my life, right now I would give anything to see him one last time, even if from a distance. I knew that if I ever saw him I wouldn't be able to speak to him, he thinks I am dead. What good would come of us ever meeting again?

The doors opened distracting me from my thoughts, the nurse had returned following by a doctor, dressed in her normal clothes with a stethoscope around her neck. "Blair Kingston, that is your name right?" She asked as the nurse changed the bin in the room before leaving me with the female doctor. 

Nodding I looked up at the blonde woman, sitting up to talk to her properly.

"Well I am Doctor Shaw, I am the one who is looking after you." She rummaged through her pockets before leaning over to my drip in my arm, pressing a few buttons on the machine hooked up to it. "I'm just making your pain relief stronger, we don't want you in any pain." She smiled at me before she started to flick through my notes leaning on the small table over my feet before she looked up at me. "Seems you have been into the hospital quite a few times." She was referring to some visits I had made off my own back when I had been injured out on jobs. 

"I don't see how it is any of your business," I said as I kept my eyes on her. 

"I'm sorry," she apologised "It's not. I just need to make sure you are okay. That you aren't being threatened, that you aren't in any kind of trouble."

As much as I thought about rolling my eyes I decided not to, "I am fine."

She looked towards the door, "You are lucky to be alive." She told me as she closed my notes and put all her attention on me. Her brown eyes were full of sadness when she looked at me. "It was touch and go for a second in there but you managed to pull through." Her eyes looked away from me for a moment before she looked back to me. "You lost a lot of blood before you arrived."

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