MB. 45.

333 7 1

Sleep was almost non-existent, I finally crawled out of my bed at about half ten. I had laid in my bed for at least half hour just playing on my phone, sending a message to Mac asking her when I was going to see her next, she even invited me out tonight but I didn't want to chance anything. I didn't know what time this party was going to end. It started around 4 pm, I didn't know how long I was going to stay. Leia had become someone who was special in my life, she had even sent me a message this morning to check I was coming. Of course, I was still going, she was a good friend and I didn't want to let her down, the same I hoped she wouldn't let me down.

I showered, making sure I had even myself enough time to sort my hair out. It took forever to dry as it was, I wanted to straighten it so I looked like I had made an effort. 

By the time half 3 came around I was ready to leave, I had put my makeup on and set it in place, covering my bruise on my face, although no amount of makeup was going to make up for how I felt inside. I had even managed to cover the lip wound, before applying some lipgloss that would hopefully cover it for the evening. Not that Leia would ask any questions, if she did I could always lie, I didn't want to be known as the girl who couldn't remember what happened to her. 

My new dress and tights were matched with a high pair of black mary janes. Looking in the mirror I decided against the tights tonight, they gave my outfit more of a funeral vibe. I pulled on a white coat from the back of my wardrobe, it was a cute coat that covered all my dress, before picking up the shimming clutch bag I had chosen tonight. I double checked the invitation one more time, it was definitely at 4 pm, definitely today and the dress coat was smart. 

Checking the address for the party I wasn't surprised it was a smart dress code, it was one of the fanciest hotels within the region, it cost a good 150 for a night's stay, I could only imagine how much she would be paying for tonight's shindig. Ringing a taxi they confirmed they would be able to pick me up at ten past four, giving me twenty minutes. Considering my shoes I didn't want to walk the half hour journey. 

I relaxed in front of the telly as I waited, I watched something that was about people who lived on benefits before deciding that I could not be bothered with it anymore. I checked my reflection in the mirror making sure that all marks were covered up. I wanted to make a good impression tonight, Leia was a good friend. 

Finally, I heard a car pull up outside my house, taking my bag I left the house, locking the door before climbing into the waiting taxi. The driver tried to make small talk with me but I was too focused on trying to send a message to Leia telling her I was on my way. Finally, it took a five-minute drive and we were at the hotel, I paid the man accordingly before stepping out in front of the hotel. 

It looked so beautiful, almost like a palace. As I walked towards the entrance I remembered I had left the present at home, mentally cursing myself in my head before I took a deep breath and walked through the entrance doors. The girl at the reception smiled and told me the way to the room where the party was being held. 

My hands were shaking, what if Leia actually didn't expect me to come? I slipped into the toilets that were outside of the room where I looked in the mirror checking my reflection where I topped up my lip gloss quickly, making sure the cut on my lip was not visible. I also moved my face in the light checking my bruising was covered up sufficiently. 

As I ran my fingers through my hair one of the stall doors opened after the toilet flushed, a girl around my age appeared. The first thing I noticed about her as I looked at her in the mirror was her eyes. They were a beautiful light brown colour, such a contrast to her dark brown hair. She was wearing a lovely blue chiffon dress, it hung perfectly on her body, stopping just below the knees in a skater style. 

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