MB. 8.

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I woke up after a few hours, still tired yet ready for the lunch date I had planned with Kylo. I managed to shower and change into a decent outfit. I put on a casual skater dress that was black, nothing too flashy. I paired it with a black leather jacket and a pair of black flat shoes, I let my hair down and allowed it to flow free, not bothering to straighten it but put a brush through my hair quickly. Looking in the mirror I managed to put on a little bit of makeup, something to make me look alive, to make me look like I haven't been up all night.  I smiled to myself as I heard a knock on the door, before heading down to the door. I opened the door and smiled at Kylo, who was wearing his black suit pants and a black shirt that had a few buttons open at the top.

"Good afternoon," he smiled at me, his straight white teeth showing as he did. 

I returned the smile, "Hi there." 

"So I think you have something that belongs to me," he said as I gave him a confused face. 

"What?" I asked before smiling, "Oh yeah." I stepped inside, "Come inside." 

Kylo came into the house, standing in the small space downstairs, "You want me to wait here?"

"You can come up if you want," I suggested before I headed up the stairs to my flat. I walked through the kitchen area and then into the hallway and then into my bedroom. 

"Wow," I heard his voice, "It's much bigger up here than I thought it might be."

I grabbed his suit jacket from the back of my chair at my make up table, as I turned around I saw Kylo at the door, leaning on the door frame, "Here." I handed it to him, "Sorry this is my bedroom, it's a bit of a mess."

A mess might have been an understatement, my bed was unmade, the blankets messed up, I had a chaise lounge at the end of my bed which had clothes on it ready to be put away. 

"I've seen worse," he assured me. "You should see mine."

I smirked, "So is that an offer?" 

"Maybe," he winked at me before we left the bedroom, I closed the door to it before returning to the kitchen area where I grabbed my bag. 

"So what's the plan today?" I asked him as we walked down the stairs to the front door. 

"What about grabbing a coffee?" He recommended as he slipped his arms into his jacket. 

I nodded, "Sounds good." I opened the door to my flat before stepping outside, Kylo following me. I locked up the door, putting my keys away in my bag. I turned around and we walked side by side towards the coffee shop. "Are you not working today then?"

"I have people to sort things out for me," he explained, "It allows me to spend more time with you, that has to be a bonus, it is for me."

I couldn't help but smile at his words, "This is quite nice." I blushed a little. 

We arrived at the coffee shop and headed to the serving area, I looked up at the menu printed on the wall, my eyes darting around, deciding what to have. "Have you decided?" He asked me after a minute or two. 

Dragging my eyes away from the wall I nodded. "Yeah, I think I have."

"I'll get these, what are you having?" Kylo asked me as we stepped forwards towards the till where the barista was waiting to take our order. 

I smiled at him, "You paid for dinner, I can get these." 

He looked at me, his head shaking, "I want to get these."

"What can I get for you?" The girl behind the till asked, her pink hair pulled back into tight dreadlocks really suiting her appearance. 

Kylo looked at me, "I'll have a cappuccino please." 

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