MB. 2.

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Trey was always good company, yet he was no Romeo. Trey drove a beautiful green car, lime green, something which attracts attention to us. It's not a quiet car either, sometimes I am sure he doesn't get the need to be subtle. As much as people knew the DeMarco family is here and in charge of these parts, you need to keep a bit of a low profile. There was no way I wanted to end up getting banged up just because Trey couldn't tone it down a little.

"Next right!" I banged on the dashboard in front of me as Trey drove like an idiot.

He rolled his eyes, I could see it out of the corner of my eyes. "Give me a break Blair!" He quickly swung the steering wheel round as he drifted us around the corner and on to the residential street.

It was getting later and later by the second, it had just turned midnight by the time he pulled up outside the first house. A quaint little house was our last stop of the evening, we had been to two other houses this evening and although they had proved productive, my patience was growing thin.

"This is Fred Diamond," I said as I screwed up the post it I had his details written on.

Trey glanced at me, "That cannot be his last name."

I shook my head, "You are right. His last name is Allen, but considering we are here for diamonds I thought it sounded fitting."

"Let us do this." He said as he got out of the car, I followed him as he went up the driveway first, I stop behind him, in the shadows, as he banged hard on the door to attract attention. "They better be in."

I glanced up at the top window as a light came on, Trey banged again on the door even louder. "They are coming," I told him as we listened to the bumping in the house.

Two minutes later the front door opened and there stood a woman, she looked to be around forty, a little overweight and in her nightgown. "Can I help you?" She asked obviously just being woken up, the sleep was all too apparent in her voice.

Trey pushed passed her and into the house, she looked confused and scared almost going to shout before she saw me, I put my finger to my lips signalling for her not to make a noise before following Trey into the house and closing the front door with my sleeve.

"Your husband," I told her as Trey looked around at pictures on the wall before nodding at me confirming he lived here. "Where is he?"

She looked towards the stairs, "He's not here." She lied, obviously he was just up the stairs.

Trey raised an eyebrow, "I'll check." He headed up the stairs leaving me with this woman.

Her eyes were searching around the room before she looked back to me. "What do you want with my husband?" She was a brave one.

I rolled my eyes as I listened to some bumping upstairs. "Never you mind. Take a seat." I told her as I stood guard.

She sat on the sofa but didn't take her eyes off me, "Maybe I can help you."

"I doubt it," I bit back as I folded my arms over my chest.

"Who are you?" She asked me.

I reached behind my back and pulled the gun forward, not aiming or even putting it near her, just so she could see I had it, maybe it would shut her up. "You see love," I leaned closer to her, "We are here to pay your husband a visit. Now if you could shut up that would be lovely."

She was taken back, probably due to the gun. I could see her watching the gun, her eyes focussed on the gun and where I was putting it. "Please," she shrunk back on the sofa. "Don't kill us."

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