MB. 9.

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Mark was someone who was great company, we always had a good time, I loved to listen to his stories about his children. He'd somehow managed to continue doing this, not worrying about a thing. We'd been so preoccupied that the second it went quiet I finally found time to reflect on my date. 

It had been a great coffee date, talking, laughing, joking and finally he had walked me home, side by side. We walked and talked and I listened to him make some jokes before we got to my flat. I had accidentally let out a small yawn, a signal I had been awake too long. 

He kissed me on the forehead as we stood at the door. His voice so soothing as he told me he would call me tomorrow and not to work too hard, I had smiled at him, assuring him I wouldn't before we shared a short, sweet kiss. Then he let himself out, I was very happy to have spent some more time with him, I had been unable to think about it any more before falling asleep ready for my night's work. 

A nudge to the side brought me back to reality, "Look." Mark hissed as he seemed to point towards the warehouse we had been watching. 

My eyes looked over and saw a white van pull up followed by two cars. My hand reached for my gun in my waistband placing it on my lap as two people got out from each vehicle before one of the people opened the back of the van. 

I watched intently as he pulled two large bags from the back of the van, before another car pulled up, the same as before, the driver popped out and the cloaked figure got out of the back. 

My eyes strained as I watched them before I saw a bright red glow in a cross looking shape coming from the hand area of the cloaked figure. 

"What the fuck is that?" I asked before I looked at Mark then back to the scene in front of me. "What is happening?"

"I have no idea," Mark spoke, obviously unsure too. 

The cloaked figure walked towards the back of the van before getting into it, I couldn't tear my eyes away as the red thing seemed to keep appearing like it was cutting through the van. 

"Fuck." I cursed, "These people are madmen." 

Mark spoke, "I would be inclined to agree with you, but you know what we are like."

Then the cloaked person stepped out of the van casually, the red thing now gone. Their arms moved, I assumed they were speaking before a few of the men from the cars started to drag what looked like body parts from the back of the van. 

"I-" I looked at Mark, "I have no idea what to say."

He patted me on the shoulder, "Me either."

We sat in silence as we watched the cloaked figure get back in the car with the driver and leave the scene. As we watched the men seemed to throw the body parts back into the van before one of them poured petrol on it and lit it up. 

"Why did they-" I started to ask Mark before I shook my head. "Never mind."

The fire burned on but not much else happened that evening. The people all went away in their cars leaving the scene. Mark and I didn't speak for the whole evening or morning, we had no words. 

Arriving back at the building I headed up to see Romeo. I wondered what he wanted to say to me, did he have something important to tell me? I hoped so. 

"I'm glad you are here Blair," Romeo said as I got to his office. He stood up from his seat and smiled at me, "Maybe we could go into my private suite. We have a lot to talk about."

I eyed him suspiciously before I nodded and followed him to the door to his quarters. Once inside I slipped my shoes and coat off before we went into the living area. 

Mafia Baby (Kylo Ren AU)Where stories live. Discover now