MB. 33.

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Scouting through the building I had found a room that was a private bedroom, I raided the drawers, finding nothing but a few scraps of paper, nothing to tell me who stayed in this bedroom. In the wardrobe was a long black cloak, one similar to the one the man in the mask wore. On the floor of the wardrobe was a box, living off the lid I raised an eyebrow at the contents, a folder. In the folder, were notes on Romeo's family, everything from his mother to the kid that Amaya had. Although nothing on me, I guess that was something everyone forgot to write about. 

On Romeo's pages, I was skimming through, reading what seemed to be his life story. I couldn't believe that someone had all this information on Romeo, someone who I had thought was very private. There were a few things in here even I didn't know, such a lot of information crammed onto page after page. 

I chucked it down on the floor, the pages scattering everywhere when a page caught my eye. It was Trey's page. Picking it from the floor it was a horrible reminder of the man I could have saved, the man I could have sacrificed my life for. Picking off the picture of him I held it close to me, he was someone I could always turn to in my moment of need. Holding his picture and seeing his face reminded me of just how much I actually missed him. And I fucking missed him, so much, so badly it hurt. The time had not healed any pain, and seeing his face in this picture made me realise this. 

My hands shook with the picture in my hand, I needed to get out of here. Thinking of everything, of Trey, Romeo and everyone else who I had lost, I didn't want to be next. 

Taking the photo I walked back to the office, my mind confused as I reached down and picked up the blue light thing tucking it in my pocket before I headed down the stairs, reaching the entrance after taking many stairs. My hands shook as I got my car keys out and ran out the building before running to my car which was outside of the gate. 

Sitting in the driver's seat I put everything from my pocket on the passenger seat before starting the car, I needed to get home, anywhere that wasn't here. Pulling away I found myself driving through the streets before getting onto the motorway. Taking a deep breath I tried to drive normally as I thought of nothing else but Trey. 

I must have been all over the place because a car behind me started to beep their horn at me. I straightened my car before I continued to drive, trying to focus on the road. The horn beeping stopped but the car drove behind me at a slow speed, like they were following me. Looking in the mirror I couldn't make out the driver due to the darkness. I tried to shrug it off, ignore it but they left me feeling uneasy, a bad feeling in my gut. 

After a few twists and detours I managed to lose the car, maybe they weren't following me after all. Driving into my town I drove slowly through the streets, I don't know what I thought I might see, but I didn't want to miss a single thing. What if I saw Ben, the chances being slim if he had moved away. 

Parking in the car park I took the few items before getting to my flat door, I unlocked the door before I let myself in, closing the door behind me locking it before heading up the stairs. I put all my items on the kitchen side, before pushing them into a drawer. 

Walking through to the living room area I turned on the light before walking through to the bedroom, turning the light on in there before changing out of my clothes and into a pair of short shorts and a small baggy crop top before letting my hair down, brushing it out letting it fall loosely down my back. 

I went into the bathroom where I brushed my teeth and washed my face before drying it and slowly moving about, back into the kitchen where I pulled out the picture of Trey, closing the drawer before looking at the picture as I walked into the living room. 

"What am I going to do now?" I asked the picture as I stroked his face. 

My plan had never been for me to lose everything. 

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No one ever came, I was disappointed but glad at the same time. I didn't know if I was actually in the right frame of mind to see anyone. Over the next few days, whenever I went out I swear I was being followed, just being watched. 

I had to get on, I had to do some normal things. This particular day, a Saturday I found myself walking through the town. It was buzzing, there were people everywhere. Stopping at a coffee shop I bought a drink before sitting alone at a booth by the window. 

Sipping on the drink I looked around, the feeling was there again but there didn't seem to be anyone watching who looked threatening, no one who looked like they were watching or out to get me. 

Shaking as I placed the cup back down my jaw dropped as I looked at my hand. On my hand was a red dot, the kind you see when someone is taking aim at you with a gun like someone wanted to scare me. My eyes travelled up but I couldn't see where it was coming from as I looked out the window. Taking my bag I quickly moved away from the window, breathing heavily as I went into the bathroom trying to sort myself out. I splashed my face with water, trying to calm myself down before drying off my face, dabbing it dry with paper toilet before leaving the toilet. 

No one seemed to notice I was distressed as I left the shop. My mind thinking of nothing but the red dot on my hand. Someone was obviously out to get me, that was bad enough, but in public, there were children out here, I didn't want anyone else to get caught up, to be hurt in any kind of altercation that might happen. 

As I walked, looking around I bumped into someone. I looked up at the girl before mumbling an apology and continuing to walk on. As I walked on I found myself at the bar I had met Ben in. Walking to the bar I ordered a drink before taking it and sitting in a booth with a drink. 

My mind was thinking of all things, of how I had ended up here. 

Lifting the glass to my lips I sipped on the liquid before putting the glass back down. My tee shirt felt wet as I moved my arm around. Moving my leather jacket I gasped as I saw my white tee shirt soaked with blood in my stomach area. 

"Fuck." I pushed the glass of alcohol away from me as I got out of the booth, my hands grabbing my bag as I felt my knees wobbling as I managed to stand up straight. 

"Love are you okay?" The barmaid shouted seeing I was unsteady on my feet. She rushed round to me and held me up before she spotted the blood. "Someone better call an ambulance right now!" She called out to no one in particular, just everyone in the room. 

My hands tried to go to the wound, I couldn't quite do anything as she laid me down. My vision blurring as she applied pressure to my stomach, her face just becoming a shape in my vision as I found my eyelids slowly drooping shut.

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