MB. 43.

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I didn't know how, but I had managed to find a library in the town, where I printed off many CV's and decided I needed to try and find myself a job. My money was running low, I knew how to get some more money without getting a job but I knew at some point I needed to get on the work working ladder. 

Leaving the library I ended up in the town, dropping my CV into shops and restaurants, to anyone who would take it. I had to admit that I wasn't particularly proud of my CV, I had nothing to show for my life on paper. I couldn't exactly write down that for the last 6 years of my life I worked for a crime organisation. 

I even found I dropped my CV's into nearby arcades. I was hoping that maybe someone would take me. on. I spoke to the men on the fairgrounds, they didn't have any work, even offering my services to stalls and some businesses that ran nearby to the beach. 

After a good few hours of trying, I put the remaining CV's into my handbag and headed down to the beach. I had bought myself a bottle of water beforehand, heading onto the sand I put my drink into my bag before slipping off my flip flops, and walking along the sand. 

I headed closer to the sea, I never usually went to close, but I decided it would be nice, since it was a lush day, to walk along the edge where the water lapped against the sand. As the waves lapped the surface of the beach it just covered my bare feet. I tried not to think about the fact that to the right of me was an ocean that could potentially be deep very close to me. 

My left hand held my flip flops tightly as I just breathed trying to just relax. Around me were young children having fun, jumping in the water and some swimming out away from the shore. 

I turned to see the sea, standing still as I pulled my sunglasses over my eyes just looking at the horizon. It was bloody lovely, I loved being here. It felt like home. 

Suddenly I felt a hand on the small of my back, I didn't know who to expect, as I turned to face the person I was shocked at the person standing next to me. 

"You're a hard person to find," the female voice said gently as she looked at me through her sunglasses. 

I took a deep breath and after looking at her through my sunglasses for a second I decided to finally speak. "What are you doing here?" I asked her my voice shaking as I tried to stay strong. 

"I just wanted answers, Blair."

Her hand left my back as I stepped away from the water for a second, "What kind of answers?"

"I need to know, I need to know what happened to my son." I saw a tear fall from behind the sunglasses, it rolled down her cheek as she looked at me. 

"Mrs DeMarco," I spoke softly. "I don't know if I can give you the answers you want."

"Blair," she removed her sunglasses and looked up at me. I gasped at her face, her eyes were bloodshot and red, there were bruises around both her eyes, half of the colours looked fresh and the other half looked old like she was always involved in being hurt. 

"What is he doing to you?" I stepped forward and put my hand out to touch her, but she backed away from me. 

She shook her head before she covered herself back up with her sunglasses. "I just need to know, how did my boy die? Was he alone? Was it quick?"

I wanted to help her, give her the answers she so desperately needed to hear. 

"Don't lie to me either Blair," her hand held mine as she spoke. Her grip tightening around my hand. 

I gulped as I thought about the best words to use. It was going to hurt her either way. I looked around, there didn't seem to be anyone around who looked suspicious, no one who seemed to be watching us. "Are you alone?" I asked her as I looked back at her. 

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