MB. 37.

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I had never been one for just leaving, I always had some reason to hang around, to stay back but now I realised I had nothing. My belongings were all packed up and in the back of the moving van I had hired, all I had to do now was go to the new address. I had given the details to the moving people before I locked the front door one final time and left the flat I had called home for a few years. 

It had been a couple of weeks since I had been given my second chance. I wanted nothing more than to do this. 

Getting into my car I closed my eyes for a moment, just thinking about what had brought me here. I knew I was extremely lucky to have my life, that was part of the reason I was moving. I didn't want to waste what time I had if I stayed here I would be miserable and think about the past. This was for the best, I knew it.

Starting the car I started to drive away from my home. I smiled to myself, trying to cheer myself up, this was for the best. I drove slowly as I passed places that meant something to me, the small bar I had met Ben in, his old restaurant and most importantly the home we had briefly shared. It pained me as I looked into these places, I had no idea if they meant the same to him, maybe that was part of the reason he moved away. As I continued to drive the sun glared through the windows, hitting my eyes, I quickly pulled on my sunglasses to stop myself from being blinded before I drove on. 

Finally after an hours drive, not far, just to the coastal town of Dunne, I pulled up outside my new home. A small two bedroomed home that stuck out like a sore thumb in this street of big houses. The van had already arrived and they were unloading boxes into my new home. I took a box I had in my car, a box full of private items that I didn't deem acceptable to be away from me, I took it into the house and put it on the kitchen side. 

I hadn't seen this home before, it was new to me. It was beautiful though. All open plan downstairs, the living room, dining room and kitchen were all one room, the stairs dividing the kitchen off. By the kitchen area was large patio doors to the small garden which was just right for the size of the house. 

"Miss Kingston," one of the delivery guys spoke my name as he brought a couple of boxes in. Turning to look at him I smiled. "Where do you want all the boxes?"

"Oh just dump them all in here," I motioned to the space by the kitchen, "I can sort them all out myself then."

He returned to bringing things in, alongside the other man who was helping him. I didn't have many bulky items, most of my stuff was in boxes, which suited me just fine, easy to just pack up and leave when it was time. 

The upstairs of this new house had a couple of bedrooms, a master bedroom with built-in wardrobes. A large bedroom that would have enough room for all my belongings, for all my clothes. The second bedroom was smaller, but it wasn't like I had a use for it. I hadn't planned much, but I was probably going to use the spare room for storage, just to keep all my junk in. I had thought about making it a study, but I had nothing to study. It isn't like I have any children to give the spare room too either, it seemed almost pointless having a spare bedroom, but it came with the house. 

There was also a bathroom upstairs, it had a beautiful shower that seemed to be the main feature of the bathroom with the waterfall like shower head. The toilet and sink seemed pretty boring in comparison. Downstairs, there was a small room that just housed a toilet and sink, all I would need for my needs when I was downstairs.

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As the night drew in I found myself sitting on my sofa, just looking out the window. I had so much I needed to do here but I had all the time in the world to do it. I had managed to put up some curtains and made my bed, the only things I thought were necessary right now. Grabbing my handbag I left the house, locking the door as I left. I walked along the streets before heading towards the seafront, this was one of the reasons I had decided to move here. 

It reminded me of all the childhood memories I loved, reminded me of all the simple things I loved. I walked along, passing many people who were either on holiday rushing to return to their caravans or people who lived here doing their shopping, there was even people just walking their dogs. I smiled to myself, everything here seemed so easy. 

I hoped to come down here in the day soon, to smell the smell of the beach, the chips and doughnuts in the air, to hear all the cheers from the arcade and fairground goers, to see everyone having fun. 

I headed to the beach, there weren't many people here right now, I guess since it started to get dark people wanted to leave. I sat on the sand, looking towards the sea, just watching as it lapped at the sand, threatening to come closer to me. 

Here I felt relaxed, letting everything go, just feeling normal. I could hear people talking as they walked, I could hear people walking, it was nice to just listen. I had missed this in my life, to just be me and have some time to myself, to take a good five minutes. 

I stayed there for some time and as I sat there I felt someone or something sniffing me on the arm, as I looked down at the culprit I found myself looking at a familiar dog. "Kaiser?" I whispered as I barely had time to register. I would know this dog anywhere. 

I looked forward to the sea again, my eyes widening as the dog continued to sniff at me. Not even moving away from me. What was he doing here? Did he know it was me he was sniffing?

"Kaiser!" I heard a voice shout out, I knew the voice so well. Suddenly I felt like I had made a massive mistake by coming down to the beach, I wasn't sure if I wanted to see him or not. It had been so long, but just hearing his voice sent shivers down my spine and butterflies throughout my stomach. I looked back towards the dog, rubbing behind his ears as I noticed a pair of legs suddenly behind the dog and a clip being put on Kaiser's collar. "I'm so sorry, he's not normally like this."

I took my hand away from the dog before standing up, my eyes meeting Ben's. My mouth was open a little bit and my expression was that of a lost child, his expression seemed to mirror mine. I wondered at that moment what he was thinking, did he think he was going crazy? Did he want to run away? 

"Blair?" He questioned, his voice full of shock. 

Just standing there I knew I didn't have any words to say. No matter what I would say it wouldn't be good enough. Hell, I told him I was dead. He probably believed it, this must be a massive shock, to see me standing here in front of him. 

He looked just as good as the day I met him, his dark eyes still mysterious, his hair still dark and shiny and his face smooth. I wanted to just reach out and touch him, I wanted him to know I was real. 

"What are you-" He started to speak but he reached forward, his fingers stroking my face just for a brief second, a shiver rushing through my body as he touched me. "I thought you were dead."

How was I supposed to respond to that? I just stood there like an idiot. I wanted nothing more than to speak, but I didn't have any words that seemed fitting for this situation. It had been at least two months since I last saw him since we last spoke, there was no way back, not really.

"I thought I would never see you again," he told me as he put his arms around me, hugging me, for a second I was unsure if I was supposed to hug him back before I wrapped my arms around him, melting against his touch. I didn't want this moment to end, just him holding me like his life depended on it. He made me weak as he touched me, something no one else ever had the ability to do, he made me want to just tell him everything, to get on my knees and beg for him to stay and never let me go. If I thought it would help I would have certainly done it without a second thought but I knew, I knew it wasn't going to make a difference.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered against his skin. I kind of half hoped he heard me and half hoped he didn't. 

As the hug ended he looked back to me, "Where have you been?" 

I certainly was stuck now. Did I tell him the truth and risk losing him from my life again? If I lied I would probably lose him from my life anyway. If I didn't say a thing he would most certainly walk away. There was no reason for him to stay in my life anyway, no matter the reason. My eyes looked away from him for a second, looking to the ocean, to the calming waves before I turned back to him, my eyes looking into his. 

"I'm not sure you'll believe me." My voice so quiet, like a mouse. I had been away from him for so long, I didn't know how he was going to take what I had to tell him. 

"Try me," he dared as his eyes burned into mine. 

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