MB. 35.

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"Hello, Blair."

It was a voice I knew so well. A voice I wanted to hear again but at the same time, I didn't. I didn't dare to open my eyes for a second, knowing that once I open my eyes I was really here. I was really in the room, then I would know he was really in the room. Once I acknowledged that I would have to do something about it. It scared me that I was here in this situation right now. Today was not the right day for this, any other day would have been perfect. 

Taking a deep breath I slowly opened my eyes and looked over at the end of the table, my eyes meeting the black of the mask. I hadn't ever seen him in the public, I guessed this was some kind of honour. Either an honour or he thought I really was a problem. Maybe it wasn't a mask, maybe he actually was part of the mask, maybe I was going crazy as I thought these thoughts. 

I had wanted nothing more than to see this man again, to see what he was truly capable of doing, but here right now, this was not the right time. If he wanted to kill me he had every chance to do it right now, I was weak. Why was I stupid enough to say yes to a drink? Why had this woman led me here? What part did she have to play in this? How did he even know I was going to get into her car? How did he know about this place?

This place was special to me, the only place I could go and think alone, think of Ben and be reminded of him in peace and not need to worry. The other place I felt I could go since he left town. 

I watched as the masked man slipped into the booth opposite me, he placed the black handle of his red blade on the table before his mask looked straight at me. The woman in the seat next to me got up and walked away, she didn't even look scared, like she had encountered him before like she knew him and what he could do. Maybe she worked for him more closely and this bar job was just a cover. I watched as everyone else left the room leaving me alone with this monster. Turning back to him I tried my hardest not to look like I was scared, but I knew how I sat, leaning against the back of the booth gave it away. Sometimes your tell is your body language. 

"So here I am," his voice spoke in the same boring robotic tone as before. "What can I do for you, Blair?"

I stayed in my seat, my hands shaking on my lap, I didn't think I was scared of him, more scared of the weapons he had in his arsenal. I just stared at him, I kept my eye contact with him, I knew if I spoke I would probably regret it. I didn't want to be weak, but I hadn't accounted for seeing him today, not after coming out of the hospital. 

He let out a sigh, "I've come all this way to see you. It's such a shame you are exactly what I thought you were, I thought you had potential." He mocked me on my silence. 

Leaning forward, putting my elbows on the table, my fingers lacing together in front of me before I decided to finally speak. "Only a coward would come and fight their battles when the other is weakened." I raised an eyebrow, "And only a coward would send someone else to do their dirty work." I said regarding the girl who had stabbed me, I had already decided it was her, it must have been. And I had already decided that he was the one who had sent her. 

"Like your precious Romeo?" He said reminding me of all the times I had gone out of my way to help Romeo, to do something he should have been doing his self. I didn't want to think of Romeo at this moment in time, but him mentioning his name meant I could think of nothing else. 

In my head, Romeo's last moments flashed by. Like I could ever forget those moments. 

"Romeo would have killed you himself given half the chance," I told him spitefully as I stayed in position, as I stayed strong. 

He leaned forward, almost like he was mimicking my position. "He's had more chances than he knows." His words left his mouth, "And so have you."

I tried to think, I tried to remind any times I might have come across this person. The truth was, he could be anybody behind the mask. He could be one of ours, he could be someone I had partied with, he could be someone I would least expect. I wasn't sure if I actually wanted to know who was behind the mask, of course, I wanted to know, but how would I feel about it after I knew?

"Are you trying to work it out?" He asked. 

My mind was so full, full of names, of people's faces, of everyone it could be. Who did I know who was so heartless, so cold, someone who was capable of all of this? Romeo may have been a monster in his own right but he fought with weapons from this world, weapons that weren't so foreign to us all. 

"I don't care who you are," I lied as I reached across the table, my fingers wrapping around the black handle as I tried to pull it towards me. His gloved right hand covered mine as he yanked it back towards him. I needed to get it away from him, maybe I could have a chance of making it out of here alive. 

Panic spread across my face as during the time we spent trying to prize it away from the other, the red cross blade had appeared, the sound deafening as the red spoke seared the table, moving as we battled our hands against each other. I felt a sharp pain in my tummy as I tried to pull it away from him before I backed away, his grip was too strong, pulling my hand from under his, away from it as he picked it up taking control of it. 

I was stuck in a corner, against a wall as he held his weapon in his hand, the pain was searing through my tummy area, my eyes looking down at the blood soaking on my clothes where I had obviously damaged my stitching in the struggle and stress. I looked up again, I didn't want him to pity me, I didn't want him to know I was hurt. 

"I never wanted to hurt you, Blair," he told me as he pressed a button, retracting the red glow from the room and clipping it to his belt before he looked back up, in my direction. 

Watching him, hearing those words I wasn't too sure what I was supposed to say in return. I tried to let the pain wash over me as I reached down, holding my tummy to stem the bleeding, but feeling how wet my top was I guessed I was passed stemming the blood. I tried to breathe normally, trying to breathe through the pain as I looked at him. "Your words mean nothing to me," I spoke through the pain. "You," I winced as I felt a sharp pain. "You don't even know," I stopped for a brief second, the pain too much. My eyes looked down this time as I removed my hand from my tummy and my hand was covered in my own blood. I looked up at him, gritting my teeth I used the only words I knew I would get out right about now, "Fuck you!"

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