MB. 16.

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Ben had taken me out of town, to a nice little place to eat. Getting looks from other people reminded me of how bruised my face was, it also made me feel nothing but guilt. Have you ever wanted something so much that lying literally makes you feel sick? I smiled throughout the food we ate, throughout the times we spoke although deep down I felt nothing but shame and guilt. 

Arriving back to his house he told me he had to run to work quickly, he had some things to sort out. "I'm sorry," he said with a small smile before he leaned down and kissed me on the lips. "Why don't you try and get some sleep?"

"Oh it's okay," I told him as I got to my feet. "I have to pop and see a friend."

His hand touched the small of my back as he walked with me towards the hallway, "Are you going to be okay?"

I nodded at him trying not to laugh at his concern, "Trust me, I won't be too long."

He left me in the hallway before heading into the kitchen, I pushed my feet into my trainers as I waited for his return. Two minutes later he came back, "Here." He handed me a key. "We spoke about you moving in, so I- here." 

My hand reached forward taking the key from him before I reached for him, hugging him. "Thank you." I stayed in the hug for too long, just letting him hold me back. My mind was not going to let this lie go, even worse I still had not told him about the pregnancy. I couldn't just keep it a secret forever, could I? At some point, it was going to become painfully obvious. 

"Hey," he spoke as he finally freed himself from my hug. He tilted my chin up so I was looking him in the eye. "Do you want me to drop you off?"

"I think I'll be okay," I smiled as I put the key into my jeans pocket. "Got to suck it up and get on with it right?"

He looked at me like I was a crazy woman before laughing, the sound of his laugh so sweet. "Only if you are sure."

I nodded, as I did I caught a glimpse of my face in the mirror by the door. I couldn't help but turn and look into the mirror at the bruising and slight swelling on my face. "Do you think it looks better?"

He put his arms around my waist as he looked at me through the mirror, "I have seen worse."

"Great," I shook my head as his lips pressed little kisses on my neck before he nipped the skin just slightly making me gasp slightly. "Hey," I turned in his grip and face him. "Do you have to leave straight away?"

His eyes glanced down at my chest before his eyes returned to mine, "What did you have in mind?"

"A massage?" I teased him before I wiggled from his grip and put my black jacket on over the top of my normal clothes, a pair of black jeans and a black tee. 

"Tonight" his words left his mouth before he leaned down, his lips coming towards mine. I couldn't help but respond to him, my eyes clothing as our lips met, his dominant side coming out when his hands gripped mine holding them above my head as my back met the wall. His teeth nipped my bottom lip before he returned to kissing me again, him taking the lead. 

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