MB. 50.

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By the time Wednesday had come around I found myself nervous at the prospect of having to see Leia. She didn't actually know about myself and Ben, I wasn't going to lie, I was bricking it at the thought of telling her. 

"We don't need to tell her," Ben told me as we sat at the dining room table in my home, the back doors open letting the light fill my home. I had even allowed Ben to bring the dogs over, Kaiser and Caesar just playing in the garden, their noses finding new scents. 

I shook my head as I looked at Ben. "Don't you want her to know?" I asked him a little insecure as I thought about what he had said, maybe I was thinking about it too much. 

"Hey," he reached across the table taking my hands, his dark eyes looking into mine, his eyes trying to read me. "That's not what I meant. I just thought, if you are not ready, we don't need to tell her today."

I couldn't help but smile at him. He always knew the right thing to say, he always knew how to assure me. "If you are ready to tell her then we will." 

"Blair, I just want you to be happy."

"You make me happy," I told him as I felt a little shy as I said it. "I don't care if what we have is kept a secret or if we shout it from the rooftops."

His fingers laced through mine as he squeezed my hands. "Lets just play it by ear." He told me with a nod. "I better get going." He unlaced his fingers as he let me go and stood up. "She'll be here soon."

I nodded as I stood up too, pushing my chair back under the table as he clipped his dogs on their leads. "I'll text you," I told him as I fussed Kaiser who was wagging his tail like mad. 

"As soon as you are ready I will be here." He assured me as I stood back up after he clipped both dogs on their leads. He leaned in and we shared a short, tender kiss on the lips. 

I walked him to the door sharing our goodbyes as he left, heading towards his home. I did have my own questions for Ben, but for now, they could wait. 

Closing the door I headed inside, washing up the glasses we had used before drying them and placing them back into the cupboard. I didn't know how we were going to tell Leia that we were going to get married, well we had to tell her we were a couple first. 

After a half hour, there was a knock on the door, I took a deep breath before heading to the door. My hands were clammy as I opened the door, my eyes looking at Leia and the person she had brought with her, Rey. "Hey," I smiled, "Come in." I opened the door for them to come into my home. 

Leia and Rey walked in and I followed them into the dining room area after closing the door. "I didn't realise you'd be coming too Rey," I said anxiously as I looked from her to Leia as we all sat at the table. 

"Sorry," she apologised, "Is it a problem that I am here?"

I shook my head as I smiled, not allowing myself to sit I got back up and headed to the fridge. "So what do you want to drink?"

Leia looked over, "Just a water for me please."

"Same for me," Rey said as she looked over at me. 

I got down three glasses and filled with cold water from the fridge before returning to table and placing them down and sitting back in my seat. "How are you then Blair?" Rey asked me as I looked up at her from my glass. 

"I'm good," I beamed thinking about my time I had spent with Ben since the party at the weekend. "How are you two?"

Leia and Rey shared a look before looking back to me. 

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