MB. 17.

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I would like to tell you that it was a dream, that I didn't put my life on the line just to be a dick to Romeo, but I would be a liar. I had made the biggest mistake possible and I knew it. 

He lowered his gun placing it back in his waistband, "I think you forget who I am, sweetie." He grabbed my hair pulling it, my face wincing in pain as he did so. "And I think you forget that I know what you fear the most."

My eyes widened as he dragged me out of the office, I wanted to fight back but I couldn't. I was frozen just doing what he made me do. He yanked my hair as he pulled me into the lift before he grabbed my right arm and twisted it behind my back, letting go of my hair. 

He stood behind me as the lift went down, I knew where we were going and it was not somewhere I wanted to go. "There's only one way out of this," he told me as his breath played on my neck. 

I caught his eyes in the mirror, a smirk playing on his lips. "What?" 

His other hand came up and played with the space on my neck where he had been leaning before his fingers trailed over my neck before gently raking across my upper chest. "You know."

My eyes looked away from his, I couldn't sleep with him just because I was scared. My mind was overthinking everything, my mind focused on Ben, Kylo, before I shook my head my eyes looking back at Romeo. 

"Whoever he is," Romeo spoke bitterly into my ear, "He has you like a little puppet."

"I don't know what you are talking about." I raised an eyebrow before the lift finally got to the very bottom floor. 

Romeo pushed me forward with the arm he had hold of, he pushed me through the emergency doors before my eyes looked at it, it was always something that had scared me since I was a child. I could feel all my air being sucked from my lungs as it just looked at me, right in front of my eyes. 

"Ready?" Romeo asked me, I guess I couldn't say no. 

Defiant as always I ignored him and looked away from it, looking away from him too. 

He pushed me forward, just a step away from it, a coldness filled the room as Romeo pushed in the back of my knees pushing me to my knees, he kneeled next to me, his hands grabbing my hair. My hands on the floor, positioning them where I knew I would need them. 

He used his hands in my hair, forcing me to look at him. "Shame really." 

He then turned my head back, facing forward before using his hands to plunge my head down. 

It was barely enough time for me to take a breath beforehand when the cold water hit my face. His hands kept my head in place as I tried to struggle against him, water filling my mouth before hitting the back of my throat. My reaction was to try and cough to clear it, it just brought more water into my airway. 

Just over the water, I could hear Romeo talking, his words a soft talk, there was someone else in the room, he was being distracted. 

My mind fell to Kylo, to Ben, as I could feel myself panicking more and more. I should have stayed at his today, he was amazing. Thinking about how happy he made me I closed my eyes, stopping myself from struggle. There was no point, this was my ultimate worse way to die and I had done it to myself. As the relaxed Ben, Kylo's face flashed into my mind, his smile comforting me just as a pain came from the back of my head. 

My face lifted from the water by my hair, the cold air hitting my face, I coughed, coughed like a crazy person as I tried to clear my airways. 

Romeo let me go, getting to his feet. "Don't think this is over." 

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