Can we meet up?

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Chapter 75


Tremaine: " Babe your phone is ringing, want me to answer it?" He yelled from the bedroom

Chantelle: " NO! I um, i'll answer it myself" I said panicking. I knew exactly who was calling me. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I went into the bedroom and saw Trey lying on the bed watching tv.

Chantelle: " Where is it? "

I asked looking around the room. Trey pointed to the nightable drawer. Oh yeah I put it in there last night. I went over to it and looked at the caller id. Yup, it was August. I had 2 missed calls from him, and 15 texts. 5 more than lastnight. If he thinks im really going to answer the phone and talk to him he must be crazy. After what happened lastnight, i do not want to talk to him. Im so confused as to why the hell he would do that. Its not like he didnt know im engaged and expecting two children. I fully told him and made it clear to him as well. Does he not have ears? Or does he just not care. Its really grinding my gears that that happened, i didnt think that meeting up to eat some icecream would go down like that. If i had listened to Chantea when she told me about him then this probably wouldnt have happened. Im still deciding if i should tell Trey or not. I really really dont want to because i know how pissed he will be at me for going out with August and i dont want all that unessacary drama, its not good for the babies. Its not even good for myself, whenever Trey and I are in problems i get stressed out like i've never been stressed before, its ridicoulous. I literally drive myself crazy. I shook my head, placed my phone on silent, and then put it on the dresser.

Tremaine: " Why didnt you answer it?' He said not taking his eyes away from the t.v. I panicked a little, does he know who called?

Chantelle: " Oh it was stupid marketers trying to sell shit, they've been ringing down my phone all day." I lied

Tremaine: " Forreal? "

Chantelle: " Yea why?"

Tremaine: " They've been ringing down my phone too, i needa call them back and tell them to stop this shit" Whew! I thought.

Chantelle: " Yeah i know" I said as i walked into the closet. I found myself an outfit. I picked out a pair of jeans with a white spagetti strap and white converse. 

Tremaine: " Where you goin?" He said in confusion

Chantelle: " Im going out to lunch with Crystal"

Tremaine: "And yall didnt invite me? Im hurt" He said pulling me down on the bed.

Chantelle: " Haha sorry, girls only Trey" I said laughing. He laid me down and then crawled in between my legs

Tremaine: " It's alright, as long as you bring me back some food"

Chantelle: " Of course" I smiled

Tremaine: " Good" He smiled and then slowly pressed his lips on mine. He took my hands and raised them over my head as he deepend the kiss. I slowly pulled away

Chantelle: " Trey, i have to go. Why you always do this shit whe im leaving " I said sitting up

Tremaine: " Sorry i cant help it"

Chantelle: " Yea well you needa control yourself, you cant be freaky like this once the twins are here" I said grabbing my purse.

Tremaine: "Thats what you think. Have fun now" He said as he smacked my ass as i walked out. I laughed and then shook my head. I went out to the car and then drove to the restaurant to meet with Crystal. The whole way there i thought if i should tell her what happened between August and I. She didnt even know that i started to hang out with him yet, i havent seen her in a while. I finally pulled up to the restaurant and walked in. Crystal was already seated waiting for me.

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