the war begins

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Time passed and let's just say things weren't going great. Danzo died but Tsunade is now Hokage again. But war has been declared and for the first time, all ninja are going to work together to defeat a common enemy. Naruto and the eight tails were under surveillance for their own protection.

But mainly we are beginning the war soon. I sighed and looked up to see the leaders of the different companies in the war. I was technically in the company Gaara led but my role was a little more complicated. Because of my status in TI, I was also in the intelligence division. I wasn't going to go into the front lines often because I was going t be needed at HQ, however, I would be put on the front lines if it comes down to that.

Things were getting worse. Very few of us have ever faced war. Tonne honest I was scared.  I didn't know what was going to happen. And I didn't know who was going to survive.I was scared for my friends because there was no way we would get through this without casualties. I clenched my fist listening to Inochi as he spoke. 

A/N I know this part is very short and I am so so sorry. I can't update for awhile because a lot is happing for me right now. I am still doing this story because I love it I just have to take a break from it and focus on some other stuff like other fanfics I have planned so I can refresh my mind and come back to this better than ever. If you read my other stories they will be on break too, minus Voiceless and Water tamer. Again I'm so very sorry it's so short. 

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