[Sehun] Bubble Tea

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Your stomach was starting to growl. You tapped your chin and looked around, deciding where to eat. Well, the weather is cold, so it’s probably ideal to go get something warm or steamy. Yeap, sounds great. Bubble Tea sounds perfect.

When you reached the shop, there weren’t much people around. Of course. Typical Homo Sapiens would think, “Psh, why the hell would we want to drink a cold Bubble Tea during winter?” But of course, you were no typical Homo Sapien. In fact, you were the Bubble Tea addict type. Anyway, this could be your Christmas gift to yourself. You’re like, one of the hand-picked supreme creatures of this world.

Sighing happily, you walked towards the right counter since there was this brown haired man on the left. The cashier immediately greeted you with a bright smile.

“I’d like to have Choco flavored tea, please.” You ordered just the same flavor at the same time as the guy next to you, making you glance at each other. The first thing you noticed other than he had the same taste as you, was that he had unbelievably perfect skin. He was handsome as well. Anyway, you just gave him a small smile, and he did the same.

As soon as the cashier gave you your receipt, you immediately searched for a table. But then thought that the order wouldn’t arrive that soon anyway, so you first went to the washroom to go freshen up. There was already this boy on the sink, washing his hands. Oh no wait, she’s a girl. She’s just short-haired and dressed in a kinda boyish style, but she still was actually pretty. Or handsome, if you look at her manly side.    

“Merry Christmas,” She greeted brightly, almost making you wince at the imaginary brightness she was emitting. Wow, that was unexpected. Even for a tomboy, she was actually the friendly type.

“Yeah, thanks,” you only managed to mumble, being the awkward being you were. She suddenly scooted closer. Um, hello gurl? Or man? I have personal space if you don’t mind.

“What’s with the face? Is something wrong?” She seemed absolutely concerned. Your brows furrowed, but managed to refrain from making a weird face because that would be definitely rude.

“Um, my Christmas is not really merry. But I don’t really mind it.”

“Oh, so family is away?”


Her mouth formed into a cute “O.” Come to think of it she might not be a tomboy after all. Her attitude is still girly, but she still moves with swag. That’s kind of awesome, actually “Is that so? If then, you can tag along with me and my friend. All three of us can go hang out tonight.”

“Really? You’re willing to bring along a stranger with you?”

She gave you an oh-come-on look. “You don’t seem like a bad person. And we just arrived here. I bet the order has arrived already. I can treat you.”

“I actually I already ordered...,” your gaze shifted as you tried to decide. You inwardly sighed. She didn’t seemed that bad after all. “But okay. I can sit with you.”

“YAY!” She cheered and gave you a bear hug. Hashtag shattered personal space.

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