[Luhan] A Gift

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You stared at the empty Christmas tree at the corner of the living room while fiddling with the two gifts in your hand. You’ve been staring at it for the past minutes, but anyway, what else could you do? It was your only company for this night after all.

There’s a house and a Christmas tree, but no gifts and no family. *Sigh*. Such a lonely creature you are. But even though Mum and Dad wouldn’t be able to come home tonight to open your presents, maybe you should at least try to make the night livelier. You’ll only look like a certified emo if you stay lying on the couch the whole Christmas Eve.

Yeah, maybe you should go out for a while.

Shrugging, you ran to your room to grab a sweater and your purse. You put on your boots and prepared to head out to the cold city.

“Ah, cold,” you breathed as a cold air shocked you. God, it’s not even snowing yet. You clutched on your scarf and made sure it’s secure around your neck, and started shuffling towards the main street.

“Heading out?” You heard someone yell, and squinted at one of the houses. The fog made it quite difficult to see, so suppose it was just a neighbor.

“Yeah. Just gonna walk around.”

“Be careful!”

“Thanks,” you yelled back. Gee, what nice neighbors you have. Too bad you’re not much of a sociable person and tends to lock herself in the house for the entire week. Anyway, after a while of walking, you finally reached the very colorful and lively center of the city, where you could see a lot of families and couples walking around, holding hands. Suddenly feeling self-conscious, you shoved your hands in your pockets and bowed to cover your face with your hair. Well, it’s not like everyone will stare at you because you’re alone but, whatever. It’s just you and your awkwardness.

You walked past the many shopping districts. None of them really interested you. Clothes? Nope. Hats? Nope. Lingerie? Um, absolutely nope. Gifts? Well... ok. Since no one would be giving you tonight anyway (Santa doesn’t give gifts to non-children, ugh), maybe you should just buy one for yourself.

Yeap, you totally deserve it.

You stepped into the store, immediately feeling the warmth contrast to the weather outside. There were a lot of people looking around the store, and you had to dodge a few kids running here and there. You took your time looking around as you tried to decide what you want. Which was srsly difficult because when your parents asked you what gift you wanted for Christmas, you just said, “Meh, just surprise me.”

And wow, boy you were really surprised. You got a non-existent gift, and here you are buying gift for yourself.

“Snow globe?” You mumbled to yourself as you held up the cute item. You’ve never had a snow globe ever in your life, but that’s kind of weird to own one now, right? Shrugging, you put it back down. Maybe you don’t need gifts anyway. Sighing, you headed towards the exit, but then something caught the corner of your eye. You back-tracked, and slowly looked at a small bracelet in display. It looked like it was made of simple nylon strings, but the steel strip at the center seemed to make it special. You squinted to see what was carved in it, but it's just so tiny and damn your eyes must have low resolution today. Must be the mist or something.

Anyway, you felt this tug on your heart, indicating that your soul wants to have this. Smiling, you picked up the glass box and approached the counter.

“That would be ##### won, miss.” The cashier said, and you opened your purse. Your eyes almost popped out of their sockets. You forgot your money. You freakin forgot your money. Oh my god this is so— Oh my God.

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