Interview with GreenWriter: The Writer of The Transient Wife

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Name & Age:

I really try to keep my real name private as much as I can, but you can call me JAN. I’m 22 (I’m actually blushing right now because I know most people here at wattpad are way younger than me)

When did you start writing?

 I started writing since I was twelve…<thinking twice> yeah, twelve.

How did you find Wattpad?

 It’s great. I feel I can be myself here. My artistic side is like a newly

released prisoner. lol

Who is your favourite author? 

Paulo Coelho will always be on top of my list for now.

What is your favourite book? 

Veronika Decides to Die AND The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

What is the first book you have ever read?

 I forgot, but I think it was a Hardy Boys series.

Where do you get ideas for your stories? 

Mostly from songs.

If you ever experienced writer's block, how do you get over it?

 I go out. I hang out with friends. Or I paint.

Do you like reading or writing?

 I equally love both.

What's your favourite Wattpad story?

 Hmmm… as of the moment? I can’t tell. I guess I’m yet to find the story that will strike me with so much awe.

Who's your favourite Wattpad writer and why?

 Gosh, that’s difficult. I think I’ll have to pass on this one.

Out of all of your stories (if applicable) which one did you enjoy writing the most? 

The Transient Wife. I enjoyed the characters I created and the ideas for humor just came out naturally for me. And I’m not even good at writing humor. But with The Transient Wife, it worked!

Any hints on your upcoming work?

 Well, aside from my ongoing ones, I think I’m going to make another one and I think I’ll call it The Bachelor. The idea for the story dawned on me just right after I uploaded His Lovely Ward.

Any tips for those who want to follow in your footsteps?

 Have passion and be keen to observe your surroundings. You will never know how a little thing can inspire to write something great.

Do you have anything you would like to say to your fans or anyone reading this?

 Thank you, I guess. If not for my fans and the people reading my works, I don’t think I would have gone this far.

Are any of your characters based on real people? 

Cassandra Anders. I’m not saying she’s me, but she’s what I dream to become someday. I made her a painter because I paint. Hehe.

Who's your favourite character out of your stories? 

Hmm…Keema Knom of Scribbler. She’s the symbol of innocence and joy.

What do you eat when you type(if you eat while typing)?

 I don’t eat, but I drink a lot of coffee.

Who's your inspiration? 

Not who, but what. My inspiration is LIFE. I just love the very essence of it.

In the future, will you be looking into maybe getting your work published? If so, which story will it be and why that story in particular?

 Yes, who doesn’t want to be published? Lol. Okay, I think I want almost all of my works published! But I like Scribbler to be noticed. It’s my most original work ever and though it’s a fantasy love story, it has no vampires and wolves and wizards in it. It’s just plain original. J

 And here is the question that came from Aira Irish (Facebook)

What's your inspiration in writing "Transient Wife"? 

Yay, hmm, okay, I guess it’s the song Terrified? I don’t know, but I was listening to that song when the idea for the story came to me.

What advice can you give to those who are aspiring to be a writer? As always say, believe in your passion and have keen senses—see every little detail around you.

Tell us about your new story "His Lovely Ward". What's this story all about

It’s about Angelica Dalton, a lady who learned how to be strong in her own way ever since she was young. She’s proud, beautiful, aggressive, and yes, you can call her a bitchy girl or something, but she has a past that will explain why she became what she is. In the story, you will know about Henry Bell, the man Angelica’s father appointed to be her guardian because he believed his daughter might be in danger. This story is different from The Transient Wife because it will be full of action, romance, and suspense. Every character is hiding something which will be revealed as the story progresses. And to those who hated my cliffhangers—which I love doing—I’m sorry but this work will have a lot of it! 

As a writer, what is your point of view about love? 

Love, wow, it’s a big word, and it’s a complicated subject. But for me, love does not only speak of an overflowing emotion towards the opposite sex or a partner. Love is about your relationship with life. It’s about how you treat everything around you. Honestly, every time I hear the word love, nature comes to my mind. I don’t know, but for me, nature is a manifestation that someone up there loved us enough to provide us with things to appreciate and share with others. Lol, I don’t know if it’s enough, but it’s the best way I can explain it.

What motivates you to write stories? 

My fans. The comments they give just give me so much joy that I always want to write more!

What is your message to your fans?

 I wanna hug you all, I wanna kiss you all… I want you all to see my beaming face whenever I read your comments. I think that’s the only way I can show you all how thankful I am. Anyways, THANK YOU! SALAMAT! GRACIAS! –GREENWRITER—

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