Interview with Katherin3Coitier: The Writer of Missing Heart

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Name & Age

 Katherine Coitier (is my writer's name) and I'm 28 years old.

When did you start writing? 

I've actually started writing when I was twelve but only recently have been doing it in abundance. All my professors have said I write very narratively. 

How did you find Wattpad?

 I had seen several of my fellow friends on moving over to Wattpad, so I checked it out.

Who is your favourite author? 

As for published, there are just too many to even name.

What is your favourite book?

 As for published, there are just too many to even name.

What is the first book you have ever read?

 That's a hard one. I think it would have been Nancy Drew and the Mystery of the Fire Dragon.

Where do you get ideas for your stories?

 Everywhere. Sometimes its a concept or a premise that sparks something in my mind. Most of my stories starts with the first chapter as test to see if I like it and it evolves from there on its own. I'm just a conduit for that reality to tell its tale.

If you ever experienced writer's block, how do you get over it? 

Oh man do I get writer's block. The trick I've found for that is to close my laptop, take a deep breathe, and clean. I know that sounds weird, but i think just clearing my head of the story for an hour, three hours, or a day does the trick in fixing my flow problem. That's what a writer's block is. You lose your flow and just need a reboot/breather. 

Do you like reading or writing?

 I love both. I can't evolve as a writer if I don't read. Sometimes inspiration sparks with an image or a sentence you read in a story. There are infinite of realities a writer can take a reader to. It'd be a shame not to.

What's your favourite Wattpad story?

 Without a doubt, Dance with the Devil by MIMM83.

Who's your favourite Wattpad writer and why? 

MIMM83. She's a dear friend of mine that makes the most fantastic worlds. I get so whisked away in her tales that I always want so much more.

Out of all of your stories(if applicable) which one did you enjoy writing the most? 

Hmm... I think it would have to be the current story I'm on. 'Nine Boys...Then There's Me'.

Any hints on your upcoming work? 

For 'Nine Boys...', my lovely fans will be surprised who brings Clare to justice for her evil and sick deeds to kin and pack. 

Any tips for those who want to follow in your footsteps?

 Write and enjoy it. Don't treat it like a job because then you've corrupted yourself. Writing is freedom for normalcy. 

Do you have anything you would like to say to your fans or anyone reading this?

 I love all my fans and future fans. 

Are any of your characters based on real people?

 Actually, yes. In Starr Academy, the main character if based off myself growing up and her family is based off an exaggerated version of my own family. 

Who's your favourite character out of your stories?

 Keith from Goddess Class Creation- Book One: Angel. I love his fabulously gay self.

What do you eat when you type(if you eat while typing)?

 Actually I make myself my version of peasant soup. Whatever I have on hand at the time. Currently my peasant soup is sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts, kale, garlic, half an onion, and both chicken stock and vegetable stock. It's all cooked and pureed together. So good.

Who's your inspiration? 

Everyone and everything. I go out to the mall and get inspired by something. When a new reality hits you, it's got you no matter where you are.

In the future, will you be looking into maybe getting your work published?

 If so, which story will it be and why that story in particular? Actually, one print on demand publisher has contacted me to publish 'Nine Boys...', but I'm looking into them for when it's done. Right now, I'm leery about them.

Question from samaviles( from WATTPAD)

"what were the challenges you've encountered while writing? how did you deal with it?"

One challenge I get while writing is that I know what is in a chapter, but can't find the right words to give it justice. As for dealing with it, I use the same trick, but I go get a Starbucks Tea. Earl Grey to be exact. It soothes my thoughts and gets me out of my funk.

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