Interview with TheMixedChick: The Writer of I Hate Justin Bieber...Mates?

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Her name is Nishelle and she is only 13 years of age. She has written two stories, (none yet completed) but she is doing excellent with the demands of her ongoing fan list. She has almost 200 votes and 100 fans. She has had amazing progress with her writing; You See Prince Charming, But I See A Player (which is on hold at the moment) and I Hate Justin Bieber, So Why Are We Mates? Ladies and Gentlemen;


Me: So when did you first start writing?

Nishelle: I first started writing in February.

Me: Who is your favourite Wattpad writer?

Nishelle: That's a hard question, but I'd have to say xAngelsmomx who wrote 'Whispers of Hope' :)

Me: Who is your favourite author that is published today?

Nishelle: Stephanie Meyers. I love the Twilight series! She's an amazing author!

Me: Yes, she is quite the writer. :) So to your stories; where did you get the ideas for I Hate Justin Bieber, So Why Are We Mates? and You See Prince Charming, but I see a Player?

Nishelle: Well for the Justin Bieber fan-fic, I was inspired by ThisIsTheTruth, with her story 'Uhm, I'm Justin Bieber's....Mate?' and with the fact I'm a Bieber Fan and wanted a twist. :) Also, the idea for You See Prince Charming-- just came to me. I wanted my first story to be different. So I was just thinking of different scenarios while eating a cheeseburger. Then BAM! It hit me. :)

Me: That's awesome. What story do you enjoy writing the most?

Nishelle: Um...I would have to say the Justin Bieber Fan-fic. It's really fun just to watch it play out in my head and then put it on paper. Well the computer. Haha

Me: Do you have an inspiration? Someone maybe for writing or just for real life?

Nishelle: Yeah! One of them would be Beyonce. :)

Me: Okay. So I have always wondered, but is the reason behind your user name: Dominicanmisty?

Nishelle: I really don't know...haha. It kind of just came. I'm half Dominican and misty is my nickname that I have because of my mother. haha

Me: Okay ;D So do you have any writing habits?

Nishelle: Yes! I have to listen to music while I write. Music always helps me, and when I'm lost and don't know what to write. I tend to write random stuff, while typing all over the place. Until I get an idea, and delete all the gibberish. lol

Me: Hahah, that is funny. I'm glad we have music...that way we both can get somewhere. I do the same sometimes, I'm actually listening to music right now. lol xD

So do you plan on getting published one day, or do you have another dream job?

Nishelle: I actually would LOVE to get published one day. My number one dream job would actually be being a successful singer or actress. Just like probably a million other people. Haha

Me: Don't put yourself down, there are plenty, sure. But you'll probably do great. Good luck with that! So last question...

Nishelle: Bring it :)

Me: If someone paid you a million dollars, would you eat 13 armadillos?

Nishelle: I don't think so! A million dollars wouldn't be enough for the traumatisation, (Not sure if that is even a word) and the first class therapist I would need ;)

Me: hahah! Okay. Well thanks for letting me interview you! :D

Nishelle: Pleasure was all mine! haha ~Imaginarily shakes hand~

Me: Haha ~Imaginarily shakes back~ ;D 

This interview was conducted by Amber (Congbaide on wattpad)

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