Interview with Kissmyoops3: The Writer of A Mistaken Kiss

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Interview with the lovely and honest Kissmyoops3! 

Name & Age

Zoey Johnson and I'm eighteen.(:

When did you start writing?

I started writing way back in elementary school. I had a school assignment and I just had so much fun writing it that I kept going on my home computer. I think I had a good thirty pages written of the story before the computer crashed and erased all of it. Saddest day of my life.

How did you find Wattpad?

Honestly, I had been on Booksie for a while and I saw that a lot of authors were leaving Booksie for Wattpad. So I decided to check it out. At first, I hated it, but now... Now I'm on it almost as much as I am on youtube. And people that know me... That's a lot!

Who is your favourite author?

In real life? Either Stephen King, Kathy Reichs, or J.K.Rowling. It's a three-way tie. I honestly don't think I could really narrow it down much further than that...

What is your favourite book?

Hmm... Probably Maximum Security. It's the third book in this series called CHERUB. It's a spy series. It's absolutely amazing though. I'm IN LOVE with it.

What is the first book you have ever read?

Well, I mean, aside from those picture books (I'm not gonna count though) I think it would have to be Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Great first choice, right? :D

Where do you get ideas for your stories?

Honestly, I have no idea. I'll be sitting there watching shark week or something and then BAM. Suddenly something goes on in my mind and I've got a chapter written for one of my stories. They come from everywhere. My mind is crazy...

If you ever experienced writer's block, how do you get over it?

UGH, the infamous writer's block. It's every great writer's biggest struggle. Where to go with this. I get it on every story at least twice. My solution is to open up the word document, open up youtube or Pandora, and just force myself to type continuously for one song again and again until I've got my chapter done. Those are usually my worst chapters, but I'm usually fine after that.

Do you like reading or writing?

Honestly, I prefer writing over reading, but I absolutely love both. Though, I feel like if I read, I can't write for a while. The ideas aren't going to be mine that I write, they'll be related to whatever story I just read. So on Wattpad, I write more than I read.

What's your favourite Wattpad story?

Oh boy, my favorite? At the moment, it's Love On A Hotline by SimplyDelicious or The Heiress Bride by Melbelle627. They're both amazing undiscovered beauties. 

Who's your favourite Wattpad writer and why?

Honestly, probably Melbelle627. She's been with me since I was on Booksie and she's a simply amazing person in general. Her story is so underrated on here, and it's so amazing! Her writing style is just fabulous and I admire how she doesn't care as much about how many fans she has. She's such a nice person. She's in this for the writing, not for the competition. 

Out of all of your stories(if applicable) which one did you enjoy writing the most?

Enjoy writing the most... Hm.... I would have to say, and it's still a work in progress, that The Devil's Pawn is my favorite. Honestly, I'm experimenting so much with that one. It's basically my test dumby for intimate scenes, and even though I'm never satisfied with them, I like writing them. I can feel myself growing with that story and honestly, that's what really makes me like a story I write. If I know I'm growing.

Any hints on your upcoming work?

- Right now I'm trying to go with the flow of things and get a few stories done before I begin anything because I have a habit of overloading myself... But I'm hoping to get another Slash story out, this time longer and completely done by myself. I don't know when or if that'll ever happen, but as of right now, I'm just trying to establish the plot in two of my stories, begin a climax in one, and even things out in the other. It's a little hectic for me. ^.^

Any tips for those who want to follow in your footsteps?

The only thing I can say is you have to be in this for the writing. Wattpad is such a popularity contest. It's ridiculous. You have to be in this for the writing. Always keep going. I didn't have a hundred people reading my chapters the first time I posted. Heck, it was close to chapter 17 by the time I cracked that on my first story. And you have to be original! Use your imagination! Always keeping writing! And PLEASE be open to constructive criticism! It's the internet so while it may seem harsh, these people probably have good intentions! 

Do you have anything you would like to say to your fans or anyone reading this?

Yeah, oh my gosh, I love you guys. (: YOU are the reason that I'm growing as a writer. YOU are the reason that I love writing so much. YOU are the reason that I'm overloading myself with stories. I love pleasing you guys! and YOU are ALWAYS my motivation! Even the silent readers. Especially you guys because I'm a silent reader! Hahaha, surprising, I Know! I've babbled this much...

Are any of your characters based on real people?

Honestly, I don't think any of them consciously are. I'm sure if I go back in a year and read my story I'll be like "This sounds a lot like that girl from math class..." or something. But all my characters are spawned from my imagination. I don't have any cool enough friends (;

Who's your favourite character out of your stories?

My favorite is Taylor in The Devil's Pawn. Because she's a lot like myself. So I guess if anyone, I base my characters off of myself? Anyways, back to this question. Her personality is so much easier to write because all i have to do is put myself in her situation. With all my other characters, they have an attitude I WISH I had. But Taylor doesn't as much. Plus, I think the events I give her in the story would be lovely to happen to me (;

What do you eat when you type(if you eat while typing)?

I can't eat and type, actually. Usually, I don't eat for hours if I'm working on a chapter. It usually takes me two or three hours to fully get a chapter down (I GET EASILY DISTRACTED BY WATTPAD), but I won't even get up to go to the bathroom until I'm done. 

Who's your inspiration?

So many people! J.K.Rowling because she came from nothing and is now the biggest inspiration ever! Kathy Reichs because she got her own very successful TV show (BONES)! Stephen King because he's famous and not all of his books are connected; he has an array of stories going on like I do! I mean, these guys are my favorite authors for a reason!

In the future, will you be looking into maybe getting your work published? If so, which story will it be and why that story in particular?

I'd love to in the future! But when I'm like 25 or something! Hahaha. Really, I could never live with myself if i published something off of Wattpad in real life. At least not something I've written now. With these, I'm growing as an author. I always look back and go "Wow. My beginnings SUCKED compared to the end." I want to be able to read my first book and be like "Wow! I can't believe I wrote that!" (I know, I'll probably think it's horrible either way) But I want to actually take time and spend a good year just getting the book ready to be sent into a publisher. I want it to be good. But to answer your other question, if I had to pick any of my books, I think it would be Superman Stole My Panties. I think that has the most potential.. or will once it gets kicking (:

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