Interview with XundecidedX: The Writer of A Little Bit Ninja

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Name & Age

Cecilia 27

·  When did you start writing?

Um, do we count school work? Other than school work, the first story I ever tried to write—“try” being the operative word in this case—was when I was 21. It was super, ridiculously lame. If anybody got their hands on it, it could definitely be used as blackmail material.

·  How did you find Wattpad?

I was looking for books to feed my voracious, literary appetite. I would go through at least 1 book per day, and sometimes more. Wattpad saved the day, and my wallet, with their free e-books.  

·  Who is your favourite author?

I could no sooner choose my favorite child (I have two), than name just one favorite author so I’ll limit myself to two. Lately, the authors I’ve been most enthralled with would be Meg Cabot and Kate Morton.

Meggie is great at including lots of details and giving her protagonists such fun personalities I can’t help but love her books.

Kate, well, her books are so full of twists and turns that I can’t predict the outcome until the very end—and that is quite a feat. Also, her writing is so awesome, that sometimes I have to jot down her really brilliant sentences so I can dissect them later, in hopes of understanding how it is that that sentence was so dang mind-blowing.

Oh! How could I forget J.K. Rowling? I think I was among her first ten fans. LOL

·  What is your favourite book?

Oh, my word, that one is tougher than the last question.

·  What is the first book you have ever read?

I couldn’t possibly tell you what the first book I ever read was. It was probably Jack and Jane See a Ball or something like. Although, I can say, that in the earliest years of my reading carreer—when I was in elementary school—I refused to venture outside of R.L. Stine’s, Fear Street, series. My mom was worried about my psychological well-being, and she prohibited me from reading them anymore. That is when I broadened my reading to include Richie Tankersley Cusick, and Christopher Pike.  LOL

·  Where do you get ideas for your stories?

I get my story ideas from reading books, and my own crazy imagination. Also, I like to write the kinds of things that I wish to read, but have a hard time finding (read: storiesnot about beings that sparkle in the sunshine, stories without bad language and gratuitous sex scenes).  Plus, I always wished my body was a weapon, which inspired me to write about a girl who is lethal.

·  If you ever experienced writer's block, how do you get over it?

Um, I’m currently waging an epic battle against it, and all I can do is keep trying new beginnings to the chapter until I find one that clicks and then go with it.

·  Do you like reading or writing?

I love both. I get so OCD about reading when I have a good book in my hands that I hate being bothered with mundane things, like…eating…and sleeping.

I love writing, but after I finished my undergrad degree I didn’t want to write anything for about three years. Most of my electives were writing classes that consisted of me writing a story then taking it to class to be subjected to the razor sharp scrutiny of my classmates’ critiques. That sucked most of the fun out of it until now.

·  What's your favourite Wattpad story?

Right now it’s, Their Paid Girl  

·  Who's your favourite Wattpad writer and why?

Ella_Enchanted, because she writes Their Paid Girl Hahaha. Actually, I like her writing because it is pretty clean. I mean grammatically, and it doesn’t have terrible language and lusty scenes. And her story is freaking awesome. I heart you!

·  Out of all of your stories(if applicable) which one did you enjoy writing the most?

Well, while getting my degree I wrote…I can’t even tell you how many stories…but none of them have I enjoyed as much as Kung Fu Dancing. I think it’s because in the past I wrote with the intent of not getting it ripped apart too bad when I went to class. This time I’m writing it because it’s fun, and I don't have to try so hard to make everything about it perfect. I’m even breaking some of the “rules” of writing. Gasp!

·  Any hints on your upcoming work?

Hmmm, it depends. I could possibly write a sequel to Kung Fu Dancing, but I think it’s more likely that I’ll write something else. LOL I know, that was a really illuminating answer.

·  Any tips for those who want to follow in your footsteps?

Haha, what a hypothetical question. Well, if there were anybody in the world who would possibly want to follow in my footsteps I would tell them to read, and read, and read,, and read some more to get a good understanding of language, and add vocab versatility.  Make those words work for you.

·  Do you have anything you would like to say to your fans or anyone reading this?


JK I’d say, thank you so dang much for taking the time to read my stuff. The only reason I’ve taken this story as far as I have is because of the people who read it, and tell me they like it. So thanks!

·  Are any of your characters based on real people?

In Kung Fu Dancing my characters are a patchwork of people I’ve known, observed, heard about, and imagined. Nobody is a straight rendering of a certain person though.

Although…the stories I wrote before this were all pretty much creative non-fiction, so in those cases they were all based on real people. LOL Maybe I’ll post some one day.  

·  Who's your favourite character out of your stories?

Jade? And Abe. I love Abe.

·  What do you eat when you type(if you eat while typing)?

Goldfish. Not the fish. Eeew. The crackers.

·  Who's your inspiration?

My sister Alicia. She’s a fantabulous writer. I’m embarrassed that she’s so much better than me—and I got my degree in it. LOL I’m trying to convince her to share her work with the Watty-verse, but so far she’s too busy with her newborn baby to bother with it. I know. She has her priorities totally messed up. Haha.

·  In the future, will you be looking into maybe getting your work published? If so, which story will it be and why that story in particular?

One of my top three goals in life is to be published (by a real publisher. I’ve already self-published a creative non-fiction work). I think Kung Fu Dancing  is The One, except I think I’ll change the title to something really creative, and catchy, and overall brilliant, so that people will want to read it.

And I choose Kung Fu Dancing because it’s the first story I’ve really enjoyed writing.

Finally, what is your message to all the people that have read and supported your stories?

Thanks. Seriously. My writer’s self-esteem was down a metaphorical abyss before I started posting on Wattpad (I attribute it to some of the harsh  critiques by peers in my writing classes), but the people who voted and fanned and commented on my story restored my hope that my writing doesn’t belong in the trash can.  Thank you, thank you.

This interview was conducted by ayatcharis... enjoy♥

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