Interview with ACRL37: The Writer of All I've Never Wanted

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Name & Age?

Anna, age 20

When did you start writing?

I've been writing since elementary school, but I haven't actually sat down and been serious about 

finishing a story until probably about three years ago

How did you find Wattpad?

I used to write on FictionPress and I was looking for sites similar to it and found Wattpad, and I'm so

 glad I did! :) 

Who is your favourite author?

I don't have one particular favorite, but I generally enjoy books by Kate Brian and Dan Brown. When it comes to more classic authors, I like Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters

What is your favourite book?

Kate Brian's Private series and Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre. My taste is all over the place!

What is the first book you have ever read?

Oh god...I don't even know...that was such a long time ago! Probably something by Dr. Seuss

or Disney lol 

Where do you get ideas for your stories?

I get them from a lot of different sources. Some of my stories are based on real-life experiences, some are inspired by TV shows and movies, and some are inspired by music. 

Honestly, anything and everything can be an inspiration.

If you ever experienced writer's block, how do you get over it?

When I get writer's block, I actually find it helpful to not think about it. 

Instead of sitting there at the computer struggling to come up with something, I just go out, 

hang out with my friends, listen to music, etc. and generally, I'll have a flashbulb moment that

breaks through the writer's block. 

Do you like reading or writing?

I love both, but I have to say reading. If a story is good, I'm one of those people who gets really

into it and it's like I'm being transported to another world. Of course, writing stories often give me

the same feeling, but reading is a lot less frustrating lol.

What's your favourite Wattpad story?

I have a LOT, but I particularly enjoyed Enjoying the Chase by kirsty1000 and Their Paid Girl 

by ella_enchanted

Who's your favourite Wattpad writer and why?

I really love kirsty1000 because she hasn't written a single story that I haven't liked. All of her books are the perfect mix between romance, action and humor and her characters are so likable. I always get so excited when I see she's updated!

Out of all of your stories(if applicable) which one did you enjoy writing the most?

I enjoyed writing If We Ever Meet Again the most because it is one of the stories that's based on

real life so it's more personal and relatable. Plus, I never got writer's block for it! 

Any hints on your upcoming work?

Haha well, let's just say I plan on writing something for every genre except horror, vampire/werewolf, spiritual and paranormal. It's just a matter of finding the time for all of that!

Any tips for those who want to follow in your footsteps?

The only major tip I have is to write about what you WANT to write about, and not what you think will become popular. Also, never shy away from writing about something you think others won't like--you'd be surprised. It makes the experience so much more enjoyable if you genuinely like your story,

and at the end of the day you should be writing for yourself, no one else.

Do you have anything you would like to say to your fans or anyone reading this?

Yep, I just want to give a huge thank you to all my fans for being so sweet and supportive.

Your comments and messages always make my day, and you guys always inspire me to be an even 

better writer! 

Are any of your characters based on real people?

Oh yes lol. The majority of characters in If We Ever Meet Again and Your Heart Belongs to Me, one of my newer books, are based on people I know in real life.

Who's your favourite character out of your stories?

Ah, you're forcing me to play favorites! Lol. Ultimately, though, I'd have to say Farrah from If We

Ever Meet Again is my favorite because she's the one I can relate the most to. She's confident but 

also really sweet without being naive and she's no pushover either! 

What do you eat when you type(if you eat while typing)?

Eh I don't eat while typing, because I would get so distracted by the food. I mostly just listen to my

iPod when I'm writing my stories, it really helps me get into the moment.

Who's your inspiration?

Everyone who's been brave enough to put their work out there and who is able to take constructive 

criticism to become a better writer is my inspiration! 

In the future, will you be looking into maybe getting your work published? If so, which story will it be and why that story in particular?

Of course, I would love to get published, but I wouldn't say that's a particularly huge goal of mine. 

At the moment, I write for fun and just put it up on Wattpad for others to enjoy. None of my friends 

even know I do this!

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