Interview With CeNedraBorune

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Name & Age?

Can't say... Some people that are reading this know me but not that I am writing this story. It is a little risqué and that is why I chose to be anonymous. I liked Ce'Nedra from The Belgariad, so chose that as my alias.

When did you start writing?

Grade 1 :P

How did you find Wattpad?

Through a friend. I was reading and helping edit her story when she suggested I start something on my own.

Who is your favourite author?

Too many to name! Here are some off the top of my head:

Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom by John O'Donohue

Anastasia Collection by Vladimir Megre

David Eddings

The Roman Series by Colleen McCullough

Paulo Coehlo

Robert Jordon (until he died and didn't finish the Wheel of Time Series)

Traci Harding

Robin Hobb

Isobelle Carmody

Jean M. Auel

Marion Zimmer Bradley

Sara Douglass

Raymond E. Feist

Terry Goodkind

L. E. Modesitt

Anne Rice

Online comic: Looking For Group

What is your favourite book?

Anything by the authors above :)

What is the first book you have ever read?

 I remember reading a book on ancient mythology as a child. I can't remember which was my first book though. Probably the alphabet book like most babies :)

Where do you get ideas for your stories?

The news and internet. Sadly there is more violence on these two communication avenues than anything else.

If you ever experienced writer's block, how do you get over it?

Constantly! I go for a walk, clean the house, commune with nature... anything to get my mind off the story and then when I stop thinking about it, the block is gone and I can write again.

Do you like reading or writing?

I LOVE IT!!!! Ideally, I would write for a living and own my own library! :D

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