Interview With Miaaaa

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Name & Age?

Mia, 16

When did you start writing?

I started writing as soon as I could pick up a pencil. haha. Scary, right? I was one of those smart kids when I was little . . .

How did you find Wattpad?

Umm, I started on Booksie, so I think someone posted on their profile that they had a Wattpad account, and I was like 'what's that?'

Who is your favourite author?

I have so many, I have to list all of them! lol. Umm, Sarah Dessen, Susane Colasanti, Simone Elkeles, Amy Efaw, Alyson Noel, Jennifer Echols, Elizabeth Scott, Deb Caletti, John Green, Alex Flinn, Suzanne Collins, and probably so much more that I'm forgetting . . . lol

What is your favourite book?

Oh jeez, this should be a LONG answer, but to save some time, I'll just post a few haha. Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins, After by Amy Efaw, Something Like Fate and Take Me There by Susane Colasanti, Beastly by Alex Flinn, and The Nature of Jade by Deb Caletti. Oh! And Looking For Alaska by John Green. Seriously, pretty much anything with a good and/or unique storyline, and romance :D

What is the first book you have ever read?

I don't really know the FIRST book I read, but I think what really got me reading was the Junie B. Jones books I started reading in the first grade. I still adore them, even though I'm probably way too old for them :)

Where do you get ideas for your stories?

Everywhere! Sometimes, it'll be from a sentence in a book I'm reading, or something someone says, when I'm daydreaming, or when I'm listening to music. Anything, I think I can make into a story, I'll jot down.

Are any of your characters based on real people?

Yup! The female main characters are actually (not to sound vain, it just makes it easier to write, lol) based off of different versions of myself. Becca, being my nicer side, and Mallory, being my bitchy, tell-it-like-it-is side. haha. Their stories are definitely not mine, though. And the other characters are based off of my friends, enemies, and thoughts/fantasies about how boys should and shouldn't be like. :)

Who's your favourite character out of your stories?

Ugh, another tough one. Seth, of course, because he's so sweet and adorable, Cheyenne, because she's all of my friends put together in one person, Mallory, because of the above question, and Sarah, because she's one of those characters you just love to hate. Jeez, I'm so indecisive. lol

Do you prefer reading or writing?

Both! I'm crazy about both of them :)

What's your favourite Wattpad story?

There are so many good ones out there. The talent floating around this site is incredible. 'Surviving the McLane Boys' by bacutie4eva and 'Peeta's Story - The Hunger Games' by amandagrace are what I'm reading in my library right now.

Who's your favourite Wattpad writer and why?

Like my last answer, amandagrace and bacutie4eva, because their writing talent is crazy-amazing. lol. And LoveyDoveyLyssa, who also has a Booksie. I really want to start reading those Undiscovered Gems, too.

Out of all of your stories which one did you enjoy writing the most?

I enjoy writing all of my stories, for all different reasons, it would be too hard to choose. 'Seth' because it's a unique storyline, something I've never written before, 'Nothing' because it's based off a song, and I had a lot of fun messing around with it, and 'Meet Me in the Middle' because I like Mallory's character, and writing in her POV.

Any hints on your upcoming work?

I change my mind about with novels I want to write next, but at this moment (excluding the sequel of 'Seth' that I'll get to) I'm thinking of writing a novel based on a Taylor Swift song, and a modern retelling of a much loved Disney movie. That's all I'm saying. haha

Any tips for those who want to follow in your footsteps?

Yes! Don't let any 'haters' discourage you from writing what you want. You should be able to put on paper (or a computer) whatever is on your mind, and not have anyone say mean comments about it. Take in the criticism and learn from it :)

Do you have anything you would like to say to your fans or anyone reading this?

Ahh! My fans! Thank you so much for sticking with me. Your comments make my fricken day, and I love you! :D

Do you eat when typing?

Uh, not really. I eat when I'm hungry, and if that's when I'm typing, then that's when I'll eat haha

Do you have any writing habits?

Yea! I listen to music when writing. This is totally cheesy, but it really puts me in a good mood and it helps me write, especially when the song relates to the story I'm writing. And, if I can't think of anything to write, I'll look at pictures on WeHeartIt or Tumblr and it'll give me ideas for my work. Like, once when I was writing 'Seth,' I saw a picture of a couple having a picnic, and it was, like, the cutest thing ever, so I had to write about it.

Who's your inspiration?

Everyone & everything! It's, like, if someone says or does something funny, I'll be like 'Gotta put that in my story,' & stuff like that :)

In the future, will you be looking into maybe getting your work published? If so, which story will it be and why that story in particular?

Getting a story published would be amazing! Actually being able to hold one of my books, totally legit-looking, would be just ahh! lol. I think I'd publish 'Seth,' since it's so different. You don't really see books where one of the main characters have a mental illness.

If you ever experienced writer's block, how do you get over it?

Writer's block sucks some serious ass. ahaha. I think the best thing to do is just write, even if it sucks [Surprisingly, when I write a chapter I think sucks, my fans will still comment & say they loved it, which is awesome]. Then, usually as I'm writing, an idea will pop into my head about what I should write about for that chapter, and it's all good.

If someone paid you a million dollars, would you eat 16 armadillos? xD

A million dollars is a lot of money. . . . Umm, would I have to eat the shell? lol. Just kidding, I think it would take a lot more than a million dollars to eat 16 armadillos. Maybe just one, if it was cooked lol.

What do you think is the best VIOLENT way to day? Ex. Car crash etc.

To die? Ugh, anything where you're not allowed to breathe, like suffocating or drowning or being buried alive. I'm squirming just thinking about it. ahaha

Thanks for the interview! :D

Interview conducted by Amber (congbaide on wattpad)

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