Interview with Mysterious_Writer: The Writer of Waking Up Taken

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Name & Age

Everyone calls me Niha; age 15

When did you start writing?

Hmm well to be precise I started in year 8 which was 2 years ago but it wasn't anything big. It was a made up story for my best friend and yea but I have not put that story on Wattpad yet....:P

How did you find Wattpad?

Well I think I was looking for pictures for an assignment on Google images and then I was typing in British and then I ended up with a picture of a guy and I was like "What the gravy!" and then when I clicked on it, it made me come to this story on Wattpad called British guy next door or something like that and then I realised this place was for stories and everything and thought I might give it a try.

Who is your favorite author?

Well I have many authors but I love Caroline Meyer she wrote a few historical novels, I also love Anne Gracie! She writes amazing 

romance stories such as the Perfect Rake; I also likeThe Deltora Series by Emily Rodda.

What is your favorite book?

Again this is definitely a hard one. I love The Perfect Rake. I guess I can read it over and over again and never get bored.

What is the first book you have ever read?

Whoa my memory is like a sponge it drains out (Wait that doesnt make any sense haha) well my first 

complete story I have read has to be The Deltora Quest First Series (8 books) My mum got me that 

for winning this thing and I got a voucher and yea it was the first book that I completely read and the book that got me interested in reading stories. But the ultimate book I read when I was tiny would have to be Whales a non fiction book in year 1, thats the first one I could remember; I still have it!

Where do you get your ideas for your stories?

Well it varies, my first ever story was actually from a dream, it’s funny becausenever ever dream like 

super-duper rare and then when I do it's nightmares so I was surprised when I dreamed about that it 

was quite weird but I also day dreamed about it so I would expect it to come into my dreams I guess :/

If you ever experienced writer's block, how do you get over it?

Well Not really, I have never experienced it but when I first started writing the story I knew what to 

write and everything I just got too lazy to sit in front of the computer and type and that made me 

well stop for 2 years. When I first began I wrote for a month and got to 3/4 of the story and then I 

gave up and then caught up into school work and everything and I restarted writing this year in August. 

So you can say that was a MASSIVE writers block/laziness, it was probably to do with the fact that

the chapter I was writing was boring in my story. Ways to get over it well dont be lazy like me haha 

and never ever give up for a long time cause you forget things easily! When you get writers block re-read the chapter, delete it and re-write it if you have to because it makes the story more interesting 

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