Interview with xxmarianxx: The Writer of Beautiful Secret

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 What is your pen name and why did you choose it?

It's "Hermit-Crab" it has to do with my last name and a friend gave it to me. LOL never chose it.

Do you have an editor to help you with writing?

No, well not yet. We'll see, but right now i don't want one.

Do you eat when you type your stories?

  No, haha it distracts me.

What is your inspiration in writing?


Do you have a specific experience that you have written in your story that actually happened in real life?

Yes, When I accidently bumped into my crush.....OMG haha I was red.

How did you find wattpad?

Cute story actually. I was looking for Breaking Dawn online and all of a sudden one story popped up and I just got hooked.  

What is your best asset?

My friends and cell phone

What comes in to your mind when you start a story?

  The first thing is who should play my characters.

How do you find the strength to finish a story especially when you experience a writer’s block?

When i touch my keyboard my hands just begin to type and my brain reacts by creating events :P

What books are you reading?

Right now i'm reading "The Pigman" haha

Who is your favorite writer in wattpad and why?

xxskater2girl16xx because her writing is interesting and it feels as though i'm in the stories.

Who is your favorite writer outside wattpad?

I don't know haha I have a lot.

What story from wattpad do you like the most?

Can't pick lol i have a lot.

If given a chance, what publishing company would you like to work with when you publish your book?

I honestly do not know haha. I haven't gotten that far yet :P

If given a chance, what publishing company would you like to work with when you publish your book?

  I honestly do not know haha. I haven't gotten that far yet :P

What do you expect from yourself as a writer? 

I want my stories to be as descriptive and entertainable as possible.

Have you ever thought of giving up writing?


What genre is the most suited for you and why?

Romance. I love how it's so adorable and well you know haha.

Random Questions

What is your most embarrassing moment?

When I chocked on my gum in class.....

Ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night?

I don't drink.

Have you ever cried over a girl/boy?

Yeah, when I go over my cousins house during the summer and come back to my hometown. haha i don't cry over boys :P

Favorite Movie?

Too many to name

Any pets?

A huge beautiful tank of fish (which is currently empty) haha

Have you ever loved someone?

Yeah, my crush but I realized we weren't ment to be.

If you could go to any place right now where would you go and why?

Australia, to visit my family and wel have fun with em' :D

Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings?

Hell yeah! xD

What do you think makes you unique?

My eyes. They change color and are huge :P

What are you afraid of?

insects :\

Are you a giver or a taker?

Mostly a giver :)

If you were stuck on a desert island, what would you bring with you? Or who? I would bring my laptop and phone and my lucky picture of Jesus Christ. I would die if I didn't and for who.......Niall Horan ;)

What is the first thing you would save in a fire?

Phone and my Hollywood Ending poster :P :P

What did you want to be when you were younger?

A singer\actress and I still do. I make vids on youtube :P Username:marianisawsome 

What or how did you feel when you got your first fan? 

I started screaming :P

Do your fans encourage you to write some more?

 Yes :)

What do you do when someone critics your work?

I feel happy :P

How do you deal with fans or readers that make some offensive/bad comments about your book or the way you write?

I accept it because it helps me become a better writer :)

How do you return the favor when someone fanned you?

  I thank them

What can you say to your fans?

  That they are the most amazing and greatest fans a girl can ever ask for <3 

What can you tell to those people who are still starting in their first story in Wattpad? Add a whole lot of description and give some time for readers to see it. It won't be in a day or two probably weeks.

Any tips that you can share on how you manage your time between writing and in your daily life?

Everyone has time. Even when they think they don't, they do.

Aside from those questions that tells about you, can you tell more about yourself that you can share to your fans?

My dream is to become a singer\actress. I love shopping and dancing. I love all my friends and family and god. I love to write and if the acting singing thing doesnt work out i want to become an author. I love One direction, Alabama Capital, Hollywood ending, Allstar weekend, Austin mahone, Taylor Swift, selena gomez, and of course DEMI LOVATO <3

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