Spoof Thirty-Eight

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•What's that I sense?? An idea??? Yessss finally!!•

Firestar: *watching YouTube*

~in the magical land of YouTube~

Half Moon: *arguing with Jayfeather* why did you marry the stick when you should have married me?!?!

Jayfeather: I told you once, and I'll tell you again. I married the stick because I get you out of it. Also you are dead

Half Moon: you can marry dead people!!! >:(

Jayfeather: also my family would think it is strange that I  married a dead cat

Half Moon: take them to the past with you, the past in which I am NOT dead!!

Jayfeather: *facepaw* am I meant to always have idiots surrounding me?

Half Moon: What the h*ll did you just f***ing say to me you b*tch

Cats in the background: *sigh* girls and their drama ugh

~the following scene has been removed because Half Moon started saying a lot of curse words. And I mean, a lot~

Half Moon: oh well, I have a much sexier boyfriend, anyway.

Jayfeather: who

Half Moon: Scourge

Scourge: *slowly peaks out from behind bush* she's mine now *smirks*

Jayfeather: -_________- I guess I'll go marry Briarlight instead... *explodes*

Half Moon: WaT?!?!?!?! *Explodes*

~Meanwhile, back in reality~

Firestar: *pauses video* hold up. Jayfeather married a stick, to be with a random dead cat cat??? Wtf???? *Inhales*

Graystripe: *bursts in* quick run he's about to blow!!!

Firestar: *explodes*

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