Reminder Gift

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*Esme Cullen*

They will be here in just a few minutes. I can't stop pacing back and forth of how excited I am. I haven't seen Edward and Bella in a week and I miss my little girl and my youngest son! Everyone is rounded up here in the living room. Even Jack, he wanted to make sure that when Bella arrives, Pitch is not near to harm her or us.

After about a few minutes, we all heard the sound of a car driving towards the house and then slowly pulling up in the drive way. We all waited to see them once again.

Then there was walking......and then the door opened. There they came in, Bella and Edward. Bella saw us and ran to us. She hugged each of us.

"I missed you all so much!" Bella said as she giggled and hugged us.

"We missed you all as well, Bella!" I said and hugged her again. I turned to Edward and hugged him. He hugged me back and smiled. I pulled away and looked at him in the eyes. My smile slowly disappeared.

"Edward? Your eyes tell me you have not hunted." I said and frowned at him. Edward eyes were no longer golden brown, but now, they were black as night, with a few small faint of gold but not enough.

"I didn't want to leave Bella alone in Oslo as I hunted near in a forest. I hadn't hunted before I left either. But don't worry mom, I'm fine." Edward said to me and I shook my head and hugged him again.

"Do not say that you are fine. Go hunt, now." I said and he nodded. Edward walked out the door and left running into the forest.

"So, Bella, how was Oslo?" Rosalie asked her and she sat down and talked to us about how she and Edward went to walk around. That he bought her a hot chocolate and took her to a park with a small lake. How she helped the young woman and her son. I smiled because going to Oslo with Edward made her happy.

Edward is, undoubtedly, Bella's favorite person in the world, and at least they spent most of the week just the two of them, together, making the last of memories.

"Bella, I will go now, but I will be back soon. Remember......your parents will come in a few days for you....and I will be there." Jack said to her and Bella looked at us and frowned. She nodded and Jack left.

"Bella?" Carlisle asked her and Bella smiled at him sadly.

"I'm fine. I just....wish I didn't have to leave." Bella said and Alice hugged her.

"Bella, no matter where you are, we will always love you. You won't forget us and we won't forget you." I said softly to her and she nodded.

*3 hours later*

Bella was playing with Emmett and Jasper a board game. It didn't matter if it was boring to Emmett and Jasper, it made Bella happy that she was bonding with her brothers. I smiled at that as I prepared lunch for her.

All of us have hunted, but we did have to be careful because there was black sand in the city. Not much in the forest because no human was there. I then served Bella's food on a plate and she quickly ate. Bella was very happy of being back with us, it was crystal clear on her face.

That was when Edward walked in and I saw that his eyes were finally the golden brown they had to be. He smiled at me and then looked at Alice.

His face went blank but then he smiled. He looked at Bella and sat next to her in an instant. Alice rushed to me. She took my hand and pulled me to the living room.

"Edward just went to go see about the gift, he's going to go fill out the information and by tomorrow, he'll bring it." Alice said softly and smiled.

"That's great." I smiled and looked at Edward. He was having a mini conversation with Bella.

We all already knew about the gift. We all knew it would mean a lot to Bella to have something that reminded her of us. A gift that would be something she likes the most is something we preferred to give her. Edward had the idea and Alice told us all and we agreed, since Edward had the idea, we let him chose which one would be the best.

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