The White Dress

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*Edward Cullen*

I'm not way too attached, it just that- no, yeah I'm attached to her. She is like a diamond to me. More than that, Isabella is worth more than a diamond. Both non- and metaphorically speaking. I just don't want her to get hurt.

Bella came downstairs in an old fashioned dress. When she came down stairs she ran towards me but nearly tripped. I hugged her and carried her in my arms, I then snuggled my face into her strawberry smelling hair. I didn't like strawberries but it didn't smell gross, her scent was filled with freesia so it covered the strawberry scent a little.

Esme said something but I didn't really pay attention, I was too wrapped up on Bella taking my face in her small palms and looking at me straight in the eyes. Electricity went through me like a shock, but it wasn't painful. Her chocolate brown eyes looked straight into my golden brown ones. It was as if she dominated me. Her black pupils got smaller as she stared at me with a slight smile. It could of been seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, and I couldn't take of my eyes from hers.

All I could see were her eyes. Suddenly when she broke the contact I felt like my breath was taken away. I snapped out of it. I shivered and blinked a few times even though I didn't need to.

"What was that? You and Bella had been staring at each other for a whole minute without looking away." Eleazar asked confused.

I set Bella down and she walked to the kitchen with Esme. I turned to him and I was confused as well. Everyone besides Bella stared at me.

"It was strange. As if she took over me. While she stared at me, it was like she had total control over me." I said looking into space.

"Her pupils turned small as she looked at me, she was smiling a little too." I said and Jack looked thinkative.

"I have never heard of such a thing before. Not even in the Volturi is there one who can control you with staring. The only one who stares at you to make you feel weak is Jane." Eleazar pointed out.

"But Jane doesn't need you to look into her eyes. Jane just causes the illusion of pain." Irina said from the arm chair.

"Did she cause you pain at all?" Jack asked me curious.

"No. Just a shock through my spine but it wasn't painful at all." I said and looked into his brain.

He was thinking what kind of power would that be? He needed to talk to the King and Queen about it.

"On Jane I can understand it, but this girl I can't. It just doesn't make sense, she's human. She can't take control over a vampire." Tanya said to me and I stared into space trying to think.

How is it possible? Is my brain just playing tricks on me? No, that can't be. What was that?

"Yes, very intriguing." Carlisle said and rubbed his chin with his fingers. I walked to the kitchen and back to Bella. She looked up and I saw her pupils were back to normal. I sat and watched her eat until she was finished when she stood up and took her plate to the sink.

"Bella, when you looked at me-during the time I carried you....did you....feel anything?" I asked her trying to be casual.

"No. Why, Eddie?" Bella asked me confused. I shook my head and she shrugged.

"Come. Let's play the piano." I said and took her small hand in mine and lead her to the piano. I sat down with her in my lap and I began playing. A few occasions I would stop and Bella would play the next note or two and then I would continue.

She was getting better at remembering the keys. She played and I played and we didn't get tired. We didn't stop, that is until Esme called us for lunch. Well, called Bella and Jack for lunch while I sat there and kept playing.

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