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*Idun Moon*

Time is passing by. Not a single minute that is passing by, do I not think of my Elsa. Or about telling Anna who Elsa is. Or about the battle. Or if she is choosing the Cullen's over us...her real family. I wish to speak to the Cullen's. Although I am most likely sure, Manny would not approve of that. I would just have to wait until I can finally see her. I wonder what she looks like in her Spiritual form?

I wonder how she acts, how she is. Her personality. What does she like? What kind of music does she like? Does she like to dance? Read? Is she into sports? Cooking? So many things to learn from her.

Vivianna like to ride her bycicle outside in the gardens. Would she like that? Will I win my daughter back?
Vivianna just got home from being out with her friend Princess Melody.

I was in the library looking for a good book to curl up and read before bed. That's when Anna came running inside. I looked at the door as to where she came from.

"Momma!" Anna said as she ran towards me. I closed my book as she came.

"Anna, what have I told you about running? You might fall sweetheart." I said as she hugged me. We walked to the couch and sat down.

"How was your day, Vivianna?" I asked her. She smiled.

"Good. Melody got bird mommy. Its a boy bird." Anna said trying to get her words out as best as she could in her 3 year old voice. Anna is 3 years apart from Elsaira.

"That's good sweetheart." I said to her.

"Maybe....me can have pet?" Anna asked me. I looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

"You want, a pet?" I asked her and she nodded.

"What kind of pet would you like?" I asked her curious. She smiled.

"I want a cat." Ana smiled at me. I stared at her. A cat? I mean, I'm more of a dog person but......this is my daughter and I love her so.....

"A cat. Ok then...I'll speak with your father and we'll see what he says." I said to her and she smiled at me and left through the doors. I got my book and went to Manny's office where I knew I would find him. I entered and he was writing.

"Um...your daughter wants a cat." I said after closing the door.

"I didn't think she would want a pet but I guess Elsa doesn't stop surprising us." Manny said and kept writing.

"Not Elsa. Anna, wants a cat." I said and sat down. He looked up.

"What? A cat? Here. In the castle? Why? She has a flying horse outside isn't that enough? It's certainly more exciting then a cat." Manny said and I looked at him.

"Well she says she wants a cat. And Manny, the flying horse is not hers, its for the flying carriage. Anna wants an actual pet." I said to him and he nodded once.

"Alright, and she wants a cat?" He asked and I nodded.

"Alright then, tell her that.....we will talk about it later. She needs to prove herself responsible enough first, Idun." Manny said and smiled at me. I nodded and left back to the library. On my way I found Anna and a maid.

I didn't want to disappoint my daughter of her wishes on a pet. I loved her dearly, and I try to give her everything I couldn't to Elsa. Elsa was my first daughter and was taken from me and given to a new family. It hurts me that it isn't I who grants her her wishes of things. The Cullen's do. Even though it was Manny who gave her to the Cullen's, it had to be done. I know it had to be done, although I can't seem to not think about the whole situation. Anna doesn't even know about her, Manny thinks that we should tell her half of the year before Elsa is brought here.

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