Months later

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*Rosalie Hale*

Bella is now sleeping in her room while the rest of us are doing completely nothing while waiting for Carlisle to come home.

"I'm home." Carlisle said walking in. Finally!!!

"How was work?" Esme said taking his jacket which he didn't really need.

"Good, and I got the blood test without anybody finding out. Although what I have to say about it is extraordinary." Carlisle said placing his suitcase on the coffee table and sitting down.

He took out some papers and some pictures.

"I printed these files of the information from the blood, then deleted the evidence from the history of the computer on what we test." He said. He put his suitcase on the floor and placed the papers down on the table.

"According to the test...Bella has some sort of cold blood. She doesn't need heat to be warm. Cold doesn't bother her at all. She cannot get sick either." Carlisle said, then he pointed to some numbers.

"The average normal body temperature is generally accepted as 98.6°F which is 37°C. Bella on the other hand has a body temperature of 35°F which to a normal human would be very cold." Carlisle explained.

"Wait a human she has cold skin?" Emmett asked.

"Yes, to a normal human her skin would be cold as if she had just came inside from playing in the snow." Carlisle said agreeing to Emmett's question.

"Carlisle, we can't let her be touched by a human...can we?" I asked worried.

"No, her skin is too cold. Maybe -I'm not sure- but her skin temperature might raise and get warmer as she grows. It's just a theory." Carlisle said looking unsure.

"What else did you find?" Jasper asked crossing his arms.

"Well, since she has ice powers...Bella's blood cells can resist any temperature below 0." Carlisle said which Esme found astonishing.

"Does she have any allergies?" Esme asked.

"Not really. Like I said she can't get sick." Carlisle stated.

"Her growth rate though, it...confused me. Her blood cells are developing at a bit of a faster rate than they should. I'm not sure what to say. Maybe she will grow fast or she will grow at a human pace, I'm not sure." Carlisle explained a bit frustrated.

"Anything else you found out?" Alice asked for the first time.

"Bella has a fascinating mind." Was the only thing Carlisle said.

"But I can't read her mind Carlisle. Why?" Edward asked frustrated.

"I'm not saying I've seen through her mind, I'm saying the growth rate. Bella is able to understand us more than we think." Carlisle said fascinated with what he has discovered in Bella.

"Of course now that we know this, we can't let Bella have too much contact with humans right now. She has to stay here with us." Carlisle said calmly, Edward however....

"No. Bella will not be hidden as if she was like us." Edward said a little angry.

"Edward! She can expose not only herself but us too! She's not normal, for now we have to keep her safe until Carlisle see's that she is safe to go outside." I yelled sternly.

"Edward. Rosalie." Esme said sternly calming the both of us and standing up.

"Son, calm down. It's only for now." Carlisle said calmly to Edward.

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