Birthday, Words, Results

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*Edward Cullen*

Tomorrow is Bella's birthday and I have no idea what to give her yet. It's 2:00pm, Carlisle's in the hospital and won't be back until 5:00pm since he's asking for permission to leave early.

Tomorrow is also Halloween, my least favorite. Although it's fine because hardly any kids come to the Cullen house on Halloween.

So the party will begin at 5:00pm. Everyone has gotten her a present except me, yet. Bella is playing in her room under Rosalie's supervision to not hurt herself.

I grabbed the car keys and walked outside, got in the car and head towards the jewelry store. I was going to get a necklace or a small bracelet for Bella.

Once I got there, I got out of the car and headed inside. The cashiers eyes widened a little and started to act in her best behavior.

"Hello I'm Melissa, if you need help finding anything just let me know." Melissa said smiling and then quietly high five herself for not stuttering. I smiled a bit at that.

"Thanks but I'm just looking for now." I said and she nodded.

I went to the bracelet section and saw many silver and gold bracelets. There was a golden one that had chains in it. Another one had many hearts hanging from it.

Then, that's when I saw it. The perfect one.

*Rosalie Hale*

I have my present for Bella ready. It's in a wrapped box with a bow on top in my bedroom closet.

Bella started giggling and then yawned.

"Come here little one, it looks like your tired." I said as I picked her up and set her in her bed. We still had some time until the party, so she could have a 3 hour nap.

I turned off the light switch and walked downstairs. Alice came into the living room with a box full of decorations. She set them down on the table.

"Alice? We still have 3 hours, what are you doing?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Oh you know getting ready. It's so we can do this at human speed and not all panicked that the party is starting and we still have things to do. Trust me I saw the future and we were running out of time." She said taking the things out and setting them on the table.

"Alright then." I said grabbing the blue and white paper rolls and the tape.

I taped one end of the blue and one of the white together on a corner of the ceiling and the twisted both paper until I got to the other ceiling. I kept on doing it until I had done most of the living room.

Alice was doing the balloons. She taped them everywhere. We kept organizing the decorations until we were done. Everything was perfect in blue and white.

Now what we just needed was the presents. That's when Edward walked in with a bag from the jewelry store.

Alice smiled at him and went to take the bag from his hands.

"About time you got her the present." Alice said skipping to her room. She was going to wrap the present in a box and a bow.

"What did you get her?" I asked him and he came to my ear and whispered it low enough for only me to hear.

"That is so sweet!" I said in awe while he chuckled.

"She's going to love it!" I cheered and he smiled.

"How long until she wakes up?" He asked, Alice came into the room with a small box with a blue bow on top and placed it on the 'presents' table.

"In a few minutes so I suggest we get her ready now. Carlisle will be here in 10 minutes tops and he will have the blood test results with him." Alice said automatically.

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