Rooms prt 2

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*Emmett Cullen*

We went to get the paint for mine and Rose's room the next day. Rose chose a creamy white. We also bought more light wood planks for our room.

We're now waiting for the paint to dry while we play chess. Jasper won 2 and I won one game. This is our 4th time playing.

"Why can't we play?" Alice complained. She was reffering to herself and Edward.

"Because you two cheat. Edward reads our next moves and you already know what move we'll make and you plan your victory." I explained while concentrating on Jazz's moves.

"Play between you and Edward. It'll make things interesting." Jasper said making his move.

"Edward? You up for a little competition?" Alice said to him while she smirked.

"Sure. Your on sis." Edward smirked back. You don't usually see Edward smirking so this was going to be good.

They sat down with their board and everything set up. Then started playing.

Mom and Rose started ordering mine and Rose's new furniture.

*42 minutes later*

Edward and Alice were still on their first game. They were using each other's powers against each other and ir made the game difficult and yet they didn't want to stop. Jasper and I were already in our 7th game.

"Alice." Edward said in a warning tone.

"Okay okay, I thought you wouldn't notice if I did." Alice said defensively playful. What are they talking about?!

"Alice was trying to cheat." Edward said to me as he smiled. I chuckled.

"Nice try Alice, but you can't get anything past Eddie boy. Although isn't already cheating when you're using your powers?" I laughed. Alice shook her head.

"Eddie boy?" Edward growled.

"What? So it's annoying when I do it but when Bella does it it's cute?" I asked.

"Yes. She knows how to make it cute. Now let us play." Edward said. Okay!

They played for another 45 minutes until Edward got up from his chair.

"I won!" He celebrated.

"Yeah yeah." Alice said rolling her eyes. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at them.

Why? Because nobody's ever won when they played with Alice. She knows your moves and she makes her moves more smarter and trickier so she can win.

Edward reads your mind and sees your next move, so he can quickly plan his move to win. He makes a tricky move then reads your mind again to see what move you make so he can make the next move even harder.

So seeing Edward win Alice on chess is very surprising. Edward and Alice only played a few times and Alice won them all, and now Edward wins for the first time.

"Woah woah woah, woah. Your telling me, you won Alice at chess?" Jasper asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, I beat the champion." Edward said cheering.

"Fine, I accept it. You beat me, but...I'm still the champion here." Alice smirked.

"For now." Edward smirked then laughed along with Alice. I rolled my eyes and suddenly felt two little hands on my knees. I look down to see little Bell's.

"Hey Bella." I said picking her up and putting her on my lap. Suddenly she started humming and making random noises.

She was looking at how me and Jasper were playing. We played one more game until he called it off.

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