Another One?!

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*Jack Frost*

Bella now knows the Cullen's are vampires but she's getting curious on what she is. It's night time and I'm on the couch trying to sleep. Edward is in Bella's room with her trying to get her to sleep.

I never said anything but, a year ago...a new princess was born!!! They named her Princess Vivanna Zenaida Moon Rerra. Odd name but still nice. We nicknamed her Anna.

Best part, she has a gift too. She has the power of nature. Spring, that's what she is. Not as powerful as Bella's gift so that means she's in no danger. Pitch showed no interest in her when he met her.

Pitch looked at her in disgust and said "She is useless to me." And left.

Princess Vivianna has strawberry blonde hair, greenish blusish eyes that are beautiful but in my opinion... Elsa's eyes are even more beautiful.

Anna also has a more tanish skin compared to Elsa's, her cheeks have less flush, she also has freckles that are more visible than Elsa's. Her lips are less red and more natural looking in a soft pink.

She's also more...girly than Elsa. Vivianna is more perky and more outgoing. They're polar opposites that it frightens me for when they meet.

I finally closed my eyes and slept.


I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. I realized the window was open. I sat up and rubbed my eyes to clear my vision. I heard noises from the kitchen.

I got up and walked to the kitchen and found Esme with a bowl of batter and a whisk.

"Good morning Jack." She said softly and nicely. Even though I'm not Esme's child, it amazes me that she treats me like her own.

"Good morning Esme." I said and she smiled at me.

"I'm making a few pancakes for you and Bella." She said as she poured some batter into a pan. There was only a smaller amount of batter than normally since it's just for me and Bella.

"Thanks." I said as I took a seat and waited patiently. Then Emmett came into the kitchen and smiled at me.

"Hey Frosty." He said chuckling. I laughed. Emmett always made me laugh.

"Mom, me and Jasper were wondering if you could let us do some wrestling." Emmett asked hopeful.

Esme stopped doing what she was doing and turned to look at Emmett serious.

"Emmett, last time you two wrestled you almost hurt each other." Esme said then turned back to the pancakes. I raised my eyebrows.

"Yeah but we promise well be more careful. Please mom?" Emmett pleaded. Esme sighed then gave up.

"Alright but if you hurt each other then you both are in big trouble. Do I make myself clear?" Esme said commandingly. Emmett nodded and ran off.

I chuckled and Esme placed a nice freshly made pancake in a plate in front of me. She took the syrup out of the fridge and placed in front of me. I poured some syrup in my pancake and grabbed my fork. I quickly started eating.

"Would you like warm milk or cold milk?" Esme asked me.

"Warm please." I said and started eating again. For a vampire, Esme was a great cook. Esme poured some milk in a cooking pot and started heating it.

Once the milk was warm she poured it into a cup and gave it to me. I drinker my milk and served myself more pancakes. After 4 big pancakes I was full.

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