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*Edward Cullen*

It's December 4th. I'm at the jewelry shop looking for what I can buy Bella but I'm still thinking. Then I thought of it. Bella always loves to order her books and hates putting them on a pile. I went the furniture store and bought her her present.

I drove back to the house and hid her present in the garage. Esme came and smiled.

"Where's Jack? Didn't Alice said he was coming today?" I asked her while hanging the keys in the key holder.

"Yes but he's not coming until 10:00pm." Esme said kindly. She already bought Bella her present and Alice already handed out the invitations to Ilene's family and the Wenstone's.

Also Jada already told Mr. Wenstone and Katrina and they were all super happy that she was pregnant. Alice was happy to make someone happy.

Speaking of Alice...

"So Jack is coming at 10:00 and when he falls asleep we have to prepare everything at about before they wake up and make sure they don't see outside until we're finished." Alice chirped as she walked into the room. I chuckled.

"Rose and the others went to get the cake ordered for tomarrow just before you came." Esme said to me. I nodded.

"Wait, won't it be cold for the humans?" I asked her.

"No. It's December but for some reason of the weather, it will be cloudy but not too cold. It'll be about 46°." Alice said smiling.

"Okay." I said. Oh and we're going as a family to buy Jack a gift. I'm thinking Bella should choose it. Alice said in her mind. I nodded.

"Where's Bella now?" I asked but then I heard giggling. I raised an eyebrow at them.

"She's reading a picture book." Esme said softly. I smiled. She's a reader.

"Mom, the party is tomarrow and we haven't fed since 3 weeks. Longer than normal." I said to Esme serious. Alice nodded in agreement. Our eyes were black and had a bit of gold in them. We needed to feed today.

"I'll stay with Bella, you Alice and Jasper go. Then when the others come back I'll go with them." Esme said and we nodded.

Jasper was at Alice's side in less than a second and we headed out the door walking since Ilene was out walking around by her house and close to here so we need to walk first.

Once we reached deep enough in the forest we started running. I let my instincts take over and they picked up the smell of a deer pack and I headed towards them. I jumped on one and the others left runing, although I'm sure Alice and Jazz would get to them.

I sinked my teeth into it's neck and felt the hot blood running down my throat leaving pleasure, but not enough. It was quickly empty and lifeless.

We hunted for about 3 more hours and then headed back home. We were close to home so we slowed down and walked home.

"I wonder if a new born could beat Emmett at wrestling?" Alice asked and we laughed.

"Maybe, I'm guessing it's a yes. Emmett is strong but obviously a new born is stronger." Jasper said chuckling.

Frozen Twilight Book One: Unique ||Completed||Where stories live. Discover now