She's Done

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*Jack Frost*

It's been a full month since I have talked to Manny and the Queen about Bella's whole starring thing at Edward. They aren't sure what it is but Manny is sure if one thing. He will figure it out once she is back to the Spirit World. He can't see what it is without meeting her personally and turning her back to a Spirit.

I am with the Cullen's but I haven't told them anything. I am about to though, we are all sitting down in the living room.

"You all remember about the whole Bella starring at Edward and hypnotic thing right?" I asked and they nodded.

"Well, Manny said that he doesn't know what that is. He can't figure it out unless he meets her personally and turns her into a full Spirit. He can't do that reasons obviously. So for now, we don't know what it is." I said and Carlisle put a worried yet sad face.

"Well, she hasn't done it again so I'm sure it's nothing serious." Carmen said softly. Everyone then agreed not to speak about it again.

*3 months later*

*Jack Frost*

3 months have passed by and Alice has seen that Bella will have another transformation. She can't see what she will look like though.

We are all getting ready by getting is everything fragile out of the way.

"Manny specifically said to cover her face except her eyes. He also said to cover half of her hair as well." I said and they looked confused but nodded.

Alice then came downstairs 10 minutes later with a Bella in a long sleeved dress, with half of her face covered as well as half of her hair was wrapped up in a cloth. Her front bangs and a half of her hair from her head were showing, other that that Bella was covered exactly like Manny wanted.

I didn't understand why, but Manny said he would tell me later. Bella stood in the center of the room and we waited. Minutes passed and finally, something started to happen.

Bella started to blink a few times then stared straight into the ceiling. Her eyes into the most beautiful shade if blue I had ever seen. Then her brown hair started to fade and start to turn white. White lighting shining a bit as the transformation of the coloring hair turned. Her eyes, in a circle, started to shine white then automatically stopped. She closed her eyes for a few secondsm

Bella's skin didn't change though, it was still fairly pale. The Cullen's stared at her amazed. Then, Bella opened her eyes.

I noticed automatically something but tried not to think about it. Her eyes, they weren't her original crystal icy blue. They were blue like my cyan winter ones but a shade darker. I knew they were as close as her original color as it could get since she's in a human form. Once she would become a Spirit, they would clear up. As she grew up her eyes would grow lighter.

I didn't think of that anymore, instead I focused on Bella's actions. She looked at Alice and Alice quickly got a camera out and took a picture of Bella's face. Her body and clothes didn't change. It was just her face, mainly her eyes.

Bella surprisingly sat down on the couch and didn't move.

"This will last until night." Alice said smiling at Bella in absolute adoration in her eyes because, Bella was a Spirit, meaning she was beautiful. Vampires are beautiful to humans, Spirits are the same, although we are a bit lesser than Vampires and more realistic looking.

Really powerful Spirits like Manny and Idun, are more like god and goddess looking like. The definition of beautiful that is so unreal. More than vampires will ever be. Especially their eyes. Bella's original eyes are such a color that the word beautiful can't even describe. There is even a Spirit with galaxy eyes. The one and only Spirit of the Stars, she has connections with Manny, as in his sister, I haven't met her, but I'm sure she must be beautuful. It is usually the female Spirits that hold the beauty.

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