Planning and Businesses

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*Emmett Cullen*

Jack is sleeping and Edward left to his room. I was walking towards his door.
Edward? May I come in?

"Of course mom." I heard Edward from his room. I walked in and closed the door behind me. The others would kind of find out what our conversation would be about and I think this is private for Edward.

Edward? Are you alright? I ask in my mind.

"Sure mom, why do you ask?" Edward asked putting his book down.

Because when Jack got here it is fairly easy to see you were angry. I state in my mind.

"Oh, that. No, I'm fine." He said but I could tell he was lying.

Edward, your my son. I know you, and I know something is wrong. What is it? Does it have to do with Jack? I ask him. He sighs and nodded.

What do you have against Jack? I ask confused.

"She's just so...close to him." He said with a weird expression.

And you don't like it? I asked sitting down on the bed he only used for making himself comfortable.

"No. I feel left out on that." Edward said sadly.

Edward, Bella loves you no matter what. When she came here for the first time, you were the first thing she chose. You have always always taken care of her, I know she appreciates it. I thought while smiling.

"Thank you mom. Although I've heard Jasper's thoughts about his feelings. He loves her. A lot." Edward said a little depressed.

When you say loves her you mean love as in he's in love with her? I asked confused.

"Maybe, I don't know. He sure is excited to know she's just like him." Edward said unsure.

Well Edward don't worry I'm sure things will turn out alright for you. I thought in my head. I got up and left him alone once again.

Sometimes I just wish Edward would find the perfect girl for him.

*1 year later*


Frozen Twilight Book One: Unique ||Completed||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang