Last Visit

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*Carlisle Cullen*

I'm getting ready to leave to the hospital since I want to get there early so I can talk with Dr. Wenstone. I got my doctor's suitcase ready and went downstairs.

"At what time do you think you'll come back?" Esme asked me. We both walked outside to my car as I turned it on letting it heat before I drive, I placed my suitcase inside.

"I'll try to be back before Bella's supper." I said and Esme nodded. We walked back inside. I never leave before giving Bella an early good morning kiss before I leave. She might wake up while im not here but I don't leave her without one.

"Try to be back earlier than that dad. When you pick up your paycheck, I see Mr. Wenstone asking you if we could all pay a small visit to their house so we could say good bye." Alice said to me while I walked up the stairs

"Yes Alice, shall I accept or decline?" I asked as I entered Bella's room quietly not waking her up. It was still fairly early to her. She does not wake up until 8:00am or 9:00am and right now its 5:45am, I start working at 6:00am.

"Accept of course! They have a visitor that is very important to Katrina." Alice said from downstairs. I leaned in and kissed Bella's small soft cheek. She smiled in her sleep. I adjusted her blankets and closed the door of her room after exiting. I walked back downstairs.

"A visitor?" Esme asked Alice.

"You'll see." Alice said and walked up to me. She hugged me tightly like she always does every morning before I leave. Alice has always been closer to me besides Edward. Although I love all my kids equal, Alice and Edward have always been the children I am most closest to.

Alice is like a daddy's girl and Edward a daddy's boy. Yes they are old enough to get over that, but I still spoil them a bit. Although, Rosalie is closer to Esme than me, and Emmett and Jasper love us both equally. They don't have a specific favorite. Bella is a big brother's baby girl, she prefers Edward out of everyone, although she is a mommy's girl too, she follows Edward a lot more.

"Bye daddy, see you at......3:45pm when you return and come for us all to leave to The Wenstone's house." Alice said specifically and I chuckled.

"Bye Alice." I said and let her go.

"Bye dad." I heard Edward behind me. I turned around and saw him leaning on the wall smiling at me.

"Bye Edward." I said and gave him a father-son hug. I left and drove all the way to the hospital. Once parked I grabbed my suitcase and walked in. I was greeted immediately by the secretary up front.

"Good morning Dr. Cullen." Ashley, the front secretary said. I smiled at her and nodded. I walked all the way to my office and closed the door behind. Since there are no cameras in my office, at vampire speed I organized my desk with the documents arranged in order of my patients.

I heard Ashley's voice from the first floor. "Good morning Dr. Wenstone." She said from downstairs. I waited like 20 minutes then went straight to his office. I knocked. Then walked in.

"Yes, Dr. Cullen?" Dr. Wenstone asked me looking at his papers and going through them.

"Well Dr. Wenstone, I was wondering if I could have some months off?" I asked with a bit of hope though I knew his answer, thanks to Alice.

"How many months?" Dr. Wenstone asked me curiously. I took an unecessary deep breath.

"About from now to September, so about 6 months." I said and he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"6 months? That's a lot, and if I may ask, what is the occasion of leaving for so long?" Dr. Wenstone asked.

" family and me....need to visit our families. We haven't seen them in probably 10 years....since all my kids were young and it would be nice if they saw them again." I said shrugging after I said that.

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