How have you been?

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*Jada Wenstone*

We were eating breakfast on today's cloudy day. I noticed something on the Cullen residence very far away. The Cullen's were our neighbors but I always wondered as if to why they have their house so far from everyone and close to the forest. When I asked Esme, she said she simply loves nature and she likes her own space.

I noticed some cars. I remember they were gone for half the year already.

"Bruno? Do you see that as well?" I asked my husband and carried Noah in my arms. Katrina looked up at me as she ate her cereal. Bruno got up and his eyes followed to where I pointed.

"Well would you look at that. I guess the Cullen's are back." Bruno said and sat back down to eat his eggs and bacon.

"Why hasn't Carlisle reported to work if he's back?" Bruno asked confused.

"Maybe they just got back. The cars weren't there yesterday in the morning." I stated and set Noah down and fed him his Gerber. Noah was born February 7th. He was a few weeks premature. Although his health is very good.

"Why don't we go see them, right after we finish breakfast?" I asked Bruno, but he shook his head.

"You go ahead. I have to get to the hospital." Bruno said and finished his cereal. Bruno got up and took his plate to the sink. He kissed Katrina on her head and kissed me shortly. He then kissed Noah's cheek and grabbed his sweater and his stuff and left.

"Hurry, Katrina. After you finish, go change, and we'll go see them." I said and Katrina nodded.

The baby finished eating and I changed him into a cute outfit and a sweater and wrapped his blanket around him to keep him warm. I grabbed the baby bag in case of anything. Katrina got ready with her normal clothes and we got into the car. We drove to the Cullen's house and parked.

"Let's go." I said and got the baby out and went to the door. I ringed the doorbell and Carlisle answered.

"Jada! What a surprise! Please come in, it must be cold for the child." Carlisle said and we went in. Everyone was there.

"Hey everyone! I see you have all finally returned. We missed you all!" I said and saw how Katrina went to hug Isabella immediately.

"Jada." Esme said and hugged me. I shivered a bit since I noticed her hands were very cold.

"How have you been?" Esme asked and smiled at Noah.

"May I?" Esme asked and I handed Noah to her.

"Well, we've been great. Bruno just went to the hospital and Katrina and Noah have been pretty good. Tomorrow Katrina will go to school, Bruno to work and I stay at home with the baby." I said as I looked at everyone.

"He's grown a lot! He looks so handsome." Esme said holding Noah carefully.

"Jada, its very nice seeing you again." Carlisle said to me happily. "You too, Carlisle, we missed you all. When did you get back?" I asked smiling at all of them. Bella and Katrina were talking together.

"Well, we just got back yesterday in the night. We unpacked all night." Alice said and chuckled. Wow, just yesterday.

"I met my cousins for the first time!" Bella said hugging my legs. I smiled at her and picked her up. She was surprisingly lighter than I thought and a bit cold, their house was a bit cold.

"That's great! How are they?" I asked her.

"Well, there's, Kate, Irina, and Tanya! They are all very nice." Bella said excitedly.

"That's wonderful, sweetheart." I said and set her down. Bella looked at Noah in Esme's arms. Esme lowered Noah and Bella looked at him in amazement. She slowly and ever so slightly stroke his cheek.

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