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*Esme Cullen*

It's been about 2 year and Bella is now 4 years old. She can understand now and me and Carlsile went hunting yesterday and decided it's time to tell her about us. She should know.

Right now its March 22nd and since it's starting to get sunny out, Carlisle hasn't worked much now. Jack should be back in a few days. The rest went out to hunt except for Emmett, he's downstairs.

Currently we are in Carlisle's office talking. Edward is with Bella and Emmett downstairs in the living room while she's playing her piano.

She still doesn't know how to play properly but she's just learning since she couldn't be taught at the age of 2. Edward is just showing her the keys.

"Carlisle I'm worried on how she will take it." I said worriedly to Carlisle.

"Esme everything will be just fine. Alice knows what we're planning and if she's not worried then why should we?" He said soothingly while rubbing my back gently to calm me.

I nodded but didn't make eye contact. I was still very worried. So was Edward, he loves Bella and he didn't want her to reject him.

"So we will tell her when Jack gets back?" I asked Carlisle as I got up from his chair. He was behind me.

"Yes." He said and we both walked out towards downstairs. When we reached the bottom Bella looked at us from her small piano.

She loved that little thing. She's had it for 2 years now. We can't blame her, Edward has had his since we first met and he loves it. Probably before I met him, when Carlisle first transformed him.

"Keep playing darling, you're doing great. Your learning a lot aren't you?" I said softly to Bella and she smiled.

She was in a small lavendar dress that reached her knees. She was wearing black flats and her hair was in a ponytail. Her hair was to her elbows by now and her soft curls were visible. Of course, because of the pony tail, her hair reached to her shoulders.

Alice wanted to cut her hair but Edward won't allow it.

"Thank you, mommy. Eddie has been teaching me a lot. I know half of the keys." Bella said, her voice soft and a little shy. She was very smart for her age.

I nodded and caressed her ponytail for a bit then walked to the kitchen to make her something to eat.

Bella has gotten a blood test once a year and the last time she had a blood test was about 6 days after Halloween, her birthday.

Her temperature has risen but it seems that as she grows, her temperature rising actually gets slower. I think the last blood test she had said she had about 42°F. It's rising but it is still not enough. Her temperature is still cold but not as much as before it is now 45°F.

She still talks to Jack but she gets depressed that he leaves.

Since Bella is four, we have to start giving her education. We will start next year when she is five, children at 5 years of age, start kindergarten.

Remember Jada? Yeah 2 years ago Alice helped her get pregnant. It was a baby boy. His name is Noah. Baby Noah. He is 2 by now.

Katrina is 13 by now and this is her last year in Middle School, next year she is off to High School. Rosalie and Emmett aren't out as much since they're pretending to be in a university. They are planning to go visit the Denali's for a while.

We married them a year ago and they said they didn't want a honeymoon yet so they stayed. They say that they first wanna spend their time with Bella, then when she leaves back with her father, it will be time for them to get married again and they will get their honeymoon.

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