Her Eyes

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#1-Esme and Carlisle

*Edward Cullen*

*3 days later*

It's been 3 days and we're finally finished with my room and now were doing the living room and the bathroom.

"Everybody round up!" Alice yelled skipping to the living room.

I was in my room putting my box full of my books away in my new furniture. I left it and walked downstairs.

"What is it Alice?" Esme asked as she came from the kitchen with Bella and Carlisle. The rest were already there in the kitchen. I read her mind and saw what she wanted.

"Okay so, Carlsile just got accepted into working for the hospital sooo, his manager wants to meet his family." Alice said stretching the 'o' in 'so'.

"What for?" Carlisle asked. Clearly Carlisle's boss hasn't told him about this.

"He's just being nice and wants to welcome us all into town. Although he's gonna have a big surprise when he sees how beautiful we look to him. Anyways he's gonna call you in 10 minutes, that's why I'm telling you all this now." Alice said to us all especially to Carlisle.

"Then this will be interesting." Emmett muttered.

"Yes, he will love to have us over. Though please don't embarrass Carlisle." Alice pleaded.

"Did we embarrass him in your vision?" Jasper asked.

"No. Just try not to do anything stupid to make it happen." Alice said shaking her head.

"Oh and keep Bella a little far away from him." Alice warned. We gave her a confusing face then I realized.

"Her skin is cold and forget that. Her eyes for some reason will change a little color, only problem is that it will last the whole day." Alice said and everybody looked at Bella.

"They will be weird, some kind of colored blue eyes with a little brown in them. It's hard to explain but Edward has saw it and they are just...wow." Alice said to them.

Then there was a knock on the door. I got up to open it and guess who I found? Jack Frost. He flew in quickly and we to the living room.

"You have to cancel that meeting!" He yelled panting.

"Jack!!!" Bella cheered as she went to hug him.

"We haven't even scheduled it yet." Emmett said chuckling.

"Well schedule it for another time rather than tomarrow!" Jack yelled.

I pat his back.

"Dude, calm down." I said to him then sat down.

"I'll explain just whatever you do, cancel it." Jack said trying to calm down as he carried Bella and checked her face to see if he found a difference.

Then the phone rang. Carlisle answered it. I heard the conversation through his mind.

"Hello?" Carlisle said.

"Carlisle, it's me! Your boss! Listens I wanted to ask you if me and my family could go to your house tomorrow? Just to get to meet each other." Carlisle's boss asked.

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