66: Airport

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"Just sleep, my love." You tell Niall as you two wait for your flight. "What if we miss our flight?" Niall asks wrapping an arm around you. "We won't. I'll stay awake." You smile at him. "But you need to sleep too. I know you don't like sleeping on the plane. You'll be so tired." Niall mumbles. "It's fine. Just sleep." You say patting your lap.

"You sure?" He asks. "Yes Ni." You smile. He rests his head on your lap and looks up at you. You watch a smile appear on his lips, "I love you and I'm excited for you to meet my family." He says. "I'm excited too." You smile. He closes his eyes and yawns.

After a few moments Niall's breathes get slower and little snores come out of his mouth. You hope the strangers around you think his snores are cute too.

You make eye contact with a girl about your age. She smiles and says, "you two are cute." "Thank you. He's a big baby." You laugh. "Oh my boyfriend would be the same way." She smiles, almost to herself.

"Where is your boyfriend?" You ask. "In Ireland. I'm coming to visit." She smiles, "I'm Quinn." "(Y/N). So are you two trying long distance?" You ask smiling. "Yes. It's really difficult but the time we spend together is great." She smiles.

"Where are you heading?" She asks.

"To ireland too. I'm meeting his family." You answer. "That'll be fun." She smiles. "I'm a bit nervous." You admit. "Oh gosh I would be too." Quinn continues to smile, "have you been to ireland before?"
"Nope. It'll be interesting. Especially with this one by my side." You smile down at Niall. "Nandos is really good." Quinn smiles. "Niall has told me all about that restaurant." You smile.

She nods, "I'm going to go get myself some snacks. See you on the plane." You wave.

A few minutes pass and Niall moves his head so he lays on the back. You run a hand through his hair. He opens one eye and smiles up at you. "You're beautiful." He yawns opening up his other eye. You blush no matter how many times he tells you. Niall gets up and wraps his arm around your shoulder,"Are you okay?" You lean your head on his shoulder, "yes."
"Good. Do you want to sleep for a few minutes?" Niall asks. You smile and kiss his cheek, "I'm alright."
You grab your carry on and take out a book. You see Niall smile. He loves how you get so into a book with in a matter of seconds. Niall leans his head on top of yours and secretly gets into the book you're reading too.

Portugal is beautiful 😍

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